United Church of God

News at a Glance: ABC Student Leaders Selected

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News at a Glance

ABC Student Leaders Selected

After receiving input from the students through balloting, the leaders were selected in discussion with the ABC administrative team.

Gary Antion announced the names of the 2006 leadership. The officers are: president, Chris Stewart; secretary, Laura Beth Childers; and treasurer, Eduardo Elizondo.

The committee heads are: Social Activities, Amanda Weitzel; Service Projects, Stephanie Healey; Music Coordinators, Corbin Rose and Audry Bauer; Message Board, Crystal Pettigrew; Kitchen Care, Cynthia Eckman and John Marinkov; ABC Times, Erin Roscoe; ABC Web Page, Jason Nitzberg; and Technical Support, A.J. Smith.

The level of respect the class has for each other was evident in how many different names were put forth for the various positions by the students.