United Church of God

News at a Glance: Ann Arbor Plans 40th Anniversary

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News at a Glance

Ann Arbor Plans 40th Anniversary

The United Church of God–Ann Arbor, Michigan, will host a 40th anniversary celebration of the starting of God's Church in the area on July 28, 2007. The festivities will begin with a reception on the Sabbath to welcome friends and family as well as renew acquaintances. We will then have a special afternoon Sabbath service with two previous pastors as guest speakers.

That evening the Ann Arbor congregation will host a buffet dinner, including a slide show presentation chronicling the past 40 years of God's work in this area as well as picture/memorabilia displays.

Our theme for the event is "Celebrating 40 Years of Growth in God's Family, 1967-2007." The following day a picnic is planned for the enjoyment of all our Ann Arbor Church family and guests.

The Sabbath evening buffet dinner will cost $15 per person. Friday, June 29, is the deadline for dinner reservations and payments. Please make checks payable to "UCG–Ann Arbor" and include the number of people attending in your group.

If you would like a flyer or further information, please contact Randy D'Alessandro at (586) 202-4590 or e-mail him at randymary080104@comcast.net.