United Church of God

News at a Glance: Attention Graduating Seniors and Parents!

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News at a Glance

Attention Graduating Seniors and Parents!

Congratulations! We would like to feature the 2007 high school graduates in a special section of the July United News. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and send a photograph by June 11, 2007.

1. Graduate's Name

2. Parents' Names

3. Congregation and Pastor's Name

4. High School Accomplishments

5. Church Activities/Hobbies/Interests (tell a little bit about yourself)

6. Plans After Graduation

7. Additional Comments (favorite quote, favorite scripture, motto, advice, etc. Please identify which it is, so we don't think your advice is your motto, etc.)

Phone number or e-mail address to confirm spellings, etc. (Will Not Be Printed)

Please send with a recent photo (conforming with biblical standards of dress and hair length) of the graduate by June 11.

By e-mail to: Mike_Bennett@ucg.org

By mail to: United News, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027

We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length; 250-word maximum length. Thanks!