United Church of God

News at a Glance: Brethren Needed to Distribute GN Brochures

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News at a Glance

Brethren Needed to Distribute GN Brochures

Two new Good News "take one" subscription brochures are now available for distribution by our brethren in the United States. One brochure features a cover photo of a lion and lamb with the headline "Will Our World Ever See Lasting Peace?" The second covers a topic that always receives high response, "What Happens After Death?"

Members who occasionally visit stores, hairdressers, senior centers, restaurants, libraries or other places within their communities may find them to be excellent distribution locations for brochure displays. Even if only a single display is placed and maintained, it would be a valuable contribution.

Brethren are welcome to order a supply of brochures and displays by contacting John LaBissoniere at 198 McDeerman Road, Jacksboro, TN 37757, by toll-free telephone at (888) 369-9940 or e-mail at john_labissoniere@ucg.org.