United Church of God

News at a Glance: Calendar of Events

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News at a Glance

Calendar of Events

Dec. 8-13: Council of Elders meeting.

Dec. 16-17: Education Task Force meetings at the home office.

Dec. 22-26: Winter Family Weekend, Louisville, Kentucky (www.ucg.org/familyweekend).

Dec. 27-Jan. 1, 2007: Winter Camp, Montello, Wisconsin.

Jan. 8, 2007: ABC classes begin.

Jan. 12-14: Women's Enrichment Weekend, Garden Grove, California. Jean Updegraff (714) 546-4695 or jeanupde@sbcglobal.net.

Jan. 13-14: South Central Regional Women's Weekend; "From the Heart—Building Relationships That Matter" (ucg-houston.org/womensweekend).

Jan. 16: Youth Corps and Challenger II discussion, Los Angeles, California.

Jan. 17-18: Southwest Regional Workshop for pastors, Los Angeles, California.

Feb. 10: Family Dance, Receptions Eastgate, Cincinnati, Ohio (FouchB@greatoaks.com).

Feb. 16-18: Texas Young Adults Weekend, "Got Friends?", Dallas, Texas (www.ucg-dallas.org/ya).

Feb. 16-19: Presidents' Day Ski Weekend, Salt Lake City, Utah. (801) 495-0412 or larry_salyer@ucg.org.

Feb. 16-19: Midwest Family Weekend, Branson, Missouri (see article, November issue, page 24).

Feb. 23-28: Council of Elders meeting.

Feb. 24: 40th Orange County, California, anniversary (see article, November issue, page 24).

Feb. 24-25: Tampa Bay, Florida, Women's Conference (ucg-tampabay.org).

May 5-7: GCE annual meeting, Holiday Inn Eastgate, Cincinnati, Ohio.

May 8-10: Council of Elders meeting.

Aug. 3-7: Council of Elders meeting.

Aug. 12: ABC graduation.

Please send calendar items to mike_bennett@ucg.org.