United Church of God

News at a Glance: GN Ads to Reach 5.2 Million Households

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News at a Glance

GN Ads to Reach 5.2 Million Households

Over 5.2 million U.S. households will be reached this fiscal year through Good News print advertising. Demographic statistics confirm that through focused use of card packs, co-op mailers and subscription brochures, we are vigorously targeting a "young family" audience in the 25 to 42 age range.

As part of this intensive effort, distribution of 500,000 copies of five new bifold brochures on "Good Neighbor" displays is nearly complete. The brochure titles included: "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy," "Is There Really a Devil?" "Creation or Evolution?" "What Happens After Death?" and "Does God Exist?" These eye-catching brochures, which offer a booklet and a Good News subscription, were positioned on large, attractive "take one" displays in 4,300 leading supermarkets and discount stores.

Response to this year's "Good Neighbor" campaign has been outstanding. So far, 11,293 new responses have been tabulated, providing an excellent 2.3 percent response and a cost per response of only $3.70.

Please continue praying for God's blessings on the Church's advertising efforts around the globe.