United Church of God

News at a Glance: Two-Minute Video Commentaries and Beyond Today Programs Now Posted on YouTube

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News at a Glance

Two-Minute Video Commentaries and Beyond Today Programs Now Posted on YouTube

Internet managing editor Aaron Booth is now adding Beyond Today programming at a YouTube account found at www.youtube.com/beyondtodaytv.

There is a mix of the half-hour Beyond Today programs, commercials and new two-minute commentaries on the site. The first three commentaries posted are by Gary Petty on these subjects:

1. Conquering Addictions.

2. Making Life Work.

3. The Dark Cloud of Depression.

Mr. Petty recorded these commentaries as summaries of the half-hour programs he hosted at the beginning of November.

The other Beyond Today hosts, Darris McNeely and Steve Myers, will also prepare two-minute summaries of each of their programs to be recorded along with the half-hour programs while they are in the studio.

"These are perfect short-form pieces that work well at places like YouTube, Google Video and Yahoo Video," said Peter Eddington, Media and Communication Services operation manager.

In addition, the Beyond Today Web site has been revised. A new layout on the Web site includes the Beyond Today programs categorized into seven "channels" by topic. You can find this at www.beyondtoday.tv/channels.