United Church of God

News From Around the World: Ministers Visit Members in Zambia and Zimbabwe

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News From Around the World

Ministers Visit Members in Zambia and Zimbabwe

From March 12 to 26 André van Belkum, chairman of UCG in Southern Africa, traveled to Zambia and Zimbabwe to visit members and attend Sabbath services in various locations.

He carried three MP3 CD players and electrical converters purchased by the Good Works Program for use by the congregations in the Mumbwa region of Zambia. He was concerned about paying for excess weight, as his bag weighed more than 70 pounds, largely due to the equipment. However, when he arrived at the check-in counter, the scales were not functioning. As a result, there was no charge for exceeding the baggage weight allowance.

There was another blessing on his arrival at the Lusaka, Zambia, airport. His bag had been left behind in Johannesburg, and arrived on another flight about two hours later. A member, who has a senior position in the Zambian Home Affairs Department, met him at the airport and was able to facilitate passage through customs. Also there to meet him was the minister in the region, Kambani Banda, and his family.

On Friday, March 17, they departed Lusaka and traveled by car to visit the congregations in the Mumbwa province. The distance is about 80 miles, and the roads are generally in poor condition. Along the way they had a punctured tire, then got stuck in thick mud. After many attempts to extricate the vehicle, they finally had to be pulled out by four oxen.

Sabbath morning they met with 62 brethren in Kasumpa, and in the afternoon they met with the combined churches (north and south) in the Nalubanda area, with 65 in attendance.

From Nalubanda they traveled to Lusaka, then to the border with Zimbabwe at Kariba. All went well, except for an official at the Zimbabwe border post who confiscated a bag of maize and a bag of rice they had purchased in Zambia for some of the brethren who were experiencing food shortages in Zimbabwe. That evening they had a meal, and get-together with a number of members living in Kariba.

From Kariba they journeyed to Harare where they met with a member, Harris Hlazo, and two young men eager to be baptized. From Harare they traveled to Bulawayo, visiting members along the way. First was Mrs. Chichaya, a widow, who lives on a small plot near Kadoma. She does exceptionally well as a farmer, producing plenty of maize as well as vegetables and fruit.

Next they visited Elsie Nel and her family who have a dairy farm near Kwe-Kwe. So far they have not been forced off their farm, and have been shown a lot of favor by the local government leaders. They need prayers for their safety and, in particular, that they can remain on their farm. If forced off the farm, they will be in an extremely difficult position.

Their last stop was in Bulawayo, where they observed the Sabbath (March 25) with the largest group in Zimbabwe (22 attended). Stephen and Vetina Tshabalala hosted the study in their home. In the afternoon of the Sabbath they baptized three people Mr. van Belkum had counseled previously. They were: Johanna Ndlovu, wife of member Joseph; Brenda Tshabalala, daughter of Stephen and Vetina; and Dennis Dube, a teacher in the Nyayi region.

On Sunday, March 26, Mr. van Belkum returned to Durban. UN