United Church of God

Portuguese Tour to Brazil and Angola

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Portuguese Tour to Brazil and Angola

God blessed the trip with health, protection, interested prospective members and loyal brethren. A spirit of godly love prevailed throughout the trip. On March 15, 2018, I started in São Paulo, Brazil where I was joined with our local elder, Arlindo Filho, for the Brazilian leg of the trip.

On Friday, March 16, we met Sebastião Mendes de Freitas who keeps the Sabbath, the Holy Days, eats only clean food and wants to help in São Paulo in whatever way he can. He is also involved in the community, particularly in assisting people in the Brazilian Bible Society with organizing a translation of the Geneva Bible to Portuguese. Our meeting lasted for over three hours where we addressed many questions, such as the history of the Church.

The Sabbath and Sunday were filled with two Kingdom of God seminars and a member visit, Olímpio Alves, near Sumaré, São Paulo. The seminar theme throughout the trip was that the soon coming Government of God to rule on earth is our only hope, in whatever country we may live. The theme then continued with the need for us to be prepared to meet Christ and to rule with Him.

On Monday we traveled to Uberlandia and from there to Patos de Minas to visit with Giovane and Laura Macedo, who help God’s work by translating into Portuguese. We spent an enjoyable evening during the week in their home. From there we traveled to the southernmost state of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) to conduct further visit requests. We spent the whole day Friday meeting Arlindo Ornel and his family. He had many questions and expressed the desire to start anew, from zero.

The second weekend (March 24-25) was filled with two seminars, one in Porto Alegre and one near Rio de Janeiro. We had very encouraging responses, not in quantity, but hopefully in quality. Time will tell if “the seed fell on good ground.” Let’s pray so. On Monday, Arlindo Filho and I travelled inland north of Rio to visit a very interested young man. We spent the whole day on Monday addressing his questions.

On Tuesday (March 27) we met with a leader of a theology school in Rio that showed interest in me presenting to a group of religious leaders in the region about the Kingdom of God. Let’s see if it develops further. After that we proceeded to the north of Brazil to keep the Passover and the beginning of Unleavened Bread with the brethren in Maloca de Moscou. They were very excited and send greetings to all. We saw how some of them are making use of the deep water well and agricultural project we conducted a few years back. The diesel generator was useful for various days, as electricity failed for the weekend.

At the end of the visit I went to see a new venue for the Feast in Brazil, which God clearly opened for us. It is a lovely venue and it will be booked exclusively for us. If anyone plans to go to the Feast in Brazil, please note that you need to book the flights first to Manaus and then separately an internal flight to Boa Vista. That way you will reduce the costs by as much as 50 percent. Please talk to me if you’re interested.

After the visit in Brazil, I left Arlindo with the brethren in Maloca de Moscou, and I traveled to Luanda (Angola) via São Paulo. I met with 876 brethren for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. There I conducted another Kingdom of God Bible Seminar, leadership training, a youth interactive Bible study and church Bible study. The brethren in Angola, of whom there are more than 5,000, send their love to all the brethren around the world. They are struggling with various health issues, and have various physical needs, which I would like to address. I must underline that they have not asked for any physical help, only spiritual help and training.

During services on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread, the national TV station and a local radio station came to services to interview me and report on the visit.

After these four weeks of travel I was most encouraged with what God is doing. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for God’s continued blessing on His work in the Portuguese language. Please also pray for additional disciples that may prove to be leaders to serve this great work of God.