United Church of God

Prophetic Times: Dangers of Mass Migration

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Prophetic Times

Dangers of Mass Migration


Wikipedia states: “According to a representative survey, it is estimated that in 2019, there were 5.3–5.6 million Muslims with a migrant background in Germany (6.4–6.7% of the population), in addition to an unknown number of Muslims without a migrant background.”

A mass migration into the U.S. and countries like Germany in Europe is bound to generate problems. What potential problems can we foresee, and what does it mean for the future?

The Battle of Vienna

It is worthy to note the Battle of Vienna took place at Kahlenberg Mountain near Vienna, Austria, on September 12, 1683, after the city had been besieged by the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire for two months. The battle was fought by the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, both under the command of King John III Sobieski, against the Ottoman Empire. The defeat of the Ottomans is often seen as a turning point for Islamic expansion into Europe, after which they encroached no further into Europe. In the continued conflict that ensued until 1699, the Ottomans eventually ceded most of Ottoman Hungary to Leopold I, the Roman Emperor. 

Europe did not want to be absorbed into an Islamic culture, and they fought valiantly to keep it from happening. The heroic battles against the Islamic invasion are commemorated to this day in ornate monuments erected in Vienna. 

The monuments stand as a warning to Europeans. They should be more defensive of their borders and remember what happened in the past can happen again. 

Morphing a Society

Religions such as Islam have a way of morphing a society, and can give rise to challenge the status quo. Nations can be dramatically changed by the onslaught of migrant masses. In this modern time Europe and North America are being transformed by mass migration. There are currently around 11 million undocumented (illegal) immigrants in the United States today, according to the Migration Policy Institute, and some set the number much higher. Europe has accepted millions of immigrants, and most of them are Muslims who have retained their own belief systems.

Germany tolerates Sharia law in their country. Sharia rules on domestic relations are recognized by German courts based on private international law if no party has German citizenship. Sharia law is recognized in the U.K., but it is not part of the U.K. legal system. The decisions made by Sharia courts are not legally binding and can be challenged in a U.K. court of law. 

Some of the classical sharia practices involve serious violations of men’s and women’s rights, gender equality and freedom of expression. The Taliban of Afghanistan followed a brutal interpretation of Sharia law during their rule from 1996–2001. For example, they confined women to their homes, not permitting them outside except with a male escort and hidden beneath a burqa. Hudud punishments were widely practiced all over the country. Hudud punishments range from public lashing to publicly stoning to death, amputation of hands and crucifixion, and they must be carried out in public. Such practices are not compatible with western democracies.

In Deuteronomy 28, the chapter of blessings and cursing, God warned ancient Israel about what would befall them if they did not obey His laws:

“But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you: Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country. Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out. The Lord will send on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in all that you set your hand to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, because of the wickedness of your doings in which you have forsaken Me.” (Deuteronomy 28:15-20)

Pluralism and Its Dangers

There is a danger in a pluralist society where people with different origins, experiences and very different beliefs come together to form society, and there is no desire on the part of foreign immigrants nor is there an expectation by a country for new citizens to assimilate into the culture of the nation. When immigrants come waving the flags of the countries they are fleeing from, and when people from an entirely different culture want to hold onto and enforce their own laws upon their people apart from the accepted laws—there is a problem. And yet, in some cases this is what nations must contend with. 

Interestingly God warned Israel about mass immigration in Deuteronomy 28:43-45: “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. Moreover, all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.”

This is my Perspective and the current edition of the Prophetic Times follows below: 

Prophetic Times

Deputy Italian Prime Minister Calls for Creation of an EU Army, Consolidation of Power in Brussels 

January 11, 2024 breitbart.com reported:

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani has joined the growing chorus calling for the formation of a European Union Army, arguing that sacrificing the national sovereignty of member states is worth the tradeoff for security.

Antonio Tajani, who took over as the leader of the centre-right Forza Italia party following the death of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi last year and who currently serves both foreign minister and deputy prime minister in the Giorgia Meloni coalition government, argued that one of the top reforms needed for the European Union is the formation of a collective military among the 27 countries that constitute the bloc.

Speaking to the Italian La Stampa newspaper, Tajani said: ‘If we want to be bearers of peace in the world, we need a European army. And this is a fundamental precondition for having an effective European foreign policy. In a world with powerful players like the United States, China, India, and Russia, with crises ranging from the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific, Italian, German, French or Slovenian citizens can only be protected by something that already exists, and it’s called the European Union…’

Netanyahu: Let me be clear — Israel has no intention of displacing Gaza’s population

January 11, 2024 timesofisrael.com reported:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday night Israel “has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population,” rebuffing hard-right ministers’ calls to rebuild Israeli settlements in the territory and encourage Palestinian emigration.

The premier’s English-language video posted to social media came on the eve of the International Court of Justice in The Hague hearing a highly charged case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

“I want to make a few points absolutely clear,” Netanyahu said. “Israel has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population. Israel is fighting Hamas terrorists, not the Palestinian population, and we are doing so in full compliance with international law.”

Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled

January 11, 2024 wsj.com reported:

Meilin Keen was studying for the bar exam and preparing to move to New York City last June when she started throwing up blood.

Keen, 27 years old, learned days later that she has gastric cancer. She postponed the bar exam. Brain fog from chemotherapy made it hard to do her legal work.

Surgeons removed her stomach in December. Keen is coming to terms with all that means for her diet, her health, even her dating life. “That’s a fun icebreaker: I don’t have a stomach anymore,” she said.

Cancer is hitting more young people in the U.S. and around the globe, baffling doctors. Diagnosis rates in the U.S. rose in 2019 to 107.8 cases per 100,000 people under 50, up 12.8% from 95.6 in 2000, federal data show. A study in BMJ Oncology last year reported a sharp global rise in cancers in people under 50, with the highest rates in North America, Australia and Western Europe. 

Doctors are racing to figure out what is making them sick, and how to identify young people who are at high risk. They suspect that changes in the way we live—less physical activity, more ultra-processed foods, new toxins—have raised the risk for younger generations.

“The patients are getting younger,” said Dr. Andrea Cercek, who co-directs a program for early-onset gastrointestinal cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where Keen was treated. “It’s likely some environmental change, whether it’s something in our food, our medications or something we have not yet identified…”

North Korea’s Kim would not hesitate in ‘annihilating’ South: KCNA

January 10, 2024 spacewar.com reported:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for a strengthened nuclear deterrent and warned he would have no hesitation in ‘annihilating’ the rival South, while touring major weapons factories, state media reported Wednesday.

Labeling South Korea, the ‘principal enemy’, he said Pyongyang’s priority should be to ‘bolster up the military capabilities for self-defence and the nuclear war deterrent first of all’, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.

Relations between the two Koreas are at one of their lowest points in decades, after Kim enshrined the country’s status as a nuclear power into the constitution and test-fired several advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Kim said that while the North — formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) — would not ‘unilaterally’ trigger a confrontation, it had ‘no intention of avoiding a war as well’, according to KCNA.

‘If the ROK dares attempt to use armed forces against the DPRK or threaten its sovereignty and security and such opportunity comes, we will have no hesitation in annihilating the ROK by mobilizing all means and forces in our hands,’ KCNA reported, using an acronym for the southern Republic of Korea.

Herzog tells Blinken Israel doing its ‘utmost’ to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza 

January 9, 2024 timesofisrael.com reported:

Meeting President Isaac Herzog in Tel Aviv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks about Washington’s “relentless efforts” to bring the hostages home from Hamas captivity. He adds that he will share what he heard from regional allies with Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Herzog underscores that Israel is doing its “utmost under extremely complicated circumstances on the ground, to make sure that there will be no unintended consequences and no civilian casualties.”

“We are alerting, we are calling, we are showing, we are sending leaflets, we are using all the means that international law enables us in order to move out people, so that we can unravel this huge city of terror underneath, in people’s homes, living rooms and bedrooms, mosques and shops and schools.

Gazans to IDF: Hamas steals UNRWA food, kills civilians who ask for aid

January 9, 2024 jpost.com reported:

Gazan civilians have testified to officers of the IDF’s Unit 504 how Hamas murdered Gazan civilians who tried to get help from UNRWA and that Hamas terrorists steal food from US aid organizations and seize civilian properties for military use.

In one recorded call, a Gazan civilian testified that Hamas murdered his cousin because he tried to seek help from UNRWA. In another conversation, a civilian said he does not leave his home because he fears Hamas will seize it and use the property to fire toward Israel and destroy his house.

One civilian is heard on a recording saying, ‘When will you get rid of [Hamas]? They killed my cousin yesterday because he went to UNRWA.’

‘They killed him in Rafah,’ the civilian tells the IDF officer. 

A different civilian is recorded telling the IDF how Hamas terrorists steal food from civilians.

Kim Jong Un visits missile launcher factory, warns of ‘military showdown’ 

January 8, 2024 spacewar.com reported:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un toured a factory producing mobile launchers for intercontinental ballistic missiles, state media reported Friday, while ordering increased preparations for a ‘military showdown with the enemy.’

Kim visited the transporter erector launcher, or TEL, facility with his young daughter Ju-ae as well as senior officials including his sister Kim Yo Jong, propaganda chief Ri Il Hwan and close aide Jo Yong Won.

He called the strategic missile TELs ‘the top priority for bolstering up the national defense capabilities,’ according to state-run Korean Central News Agency. Kim urged production to be ‘pushed forward … nonstop, given the prevailing grave situation that requires the country to be more firmly prepared for a military showdown with the enemy.’