United Church of God

Seattle Women’s Enrichment Weekend

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Seattle Women’s Enrichment Weekend

God blessed us with sunny days and wonderful company, with people coming from all over, from Victoria, British Columbia, to even as far as Colorado! The theme followed Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”

Friday evening kicked off the start of the weekend with dinner and icebreakers as the ladies were broken into groups to introduce themselves and given prompts that were both lighthearted and insightful. We learned everything from why a woman always carried something around with her to what she might most want to accomplish with her life

Our opening speech Saturday was led by Mr. Nutzman as he gave an inspirational sermon speaking on the various women in the Bible and the role God gave women in His plan.

After a break for lunch we had many discussions that emphasized strength, dignity and laughter! Young and old alike stood on the podium and gave their speeches, helping us learn about the strength it takes to follow a sparsely marked hiking trail, the humor a mother experiences with her child and many other life lessons. Each speaker emphasized the topic of the weekend in their own unique fashion, helping us take away the lessons God wanted us to learn.

Our now traditional wine, cheese and coloring night ended Saturday on a comfortable note to bring us into the last day. Sunday, we were closed by a lovely speech by Mrs. Nutzman who gave vignettes of her life, leaving the ladies with stories that would strengthen them as they went on their way home

Over all, the Women’s Weekend was a success that helped us strengthen our relationships with each other and our relationship with God!

Annick Steffanin