United Church of God

Southern Minnesota's Youth Day Sabbath Service and Winter Family Social

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Southern Minnesota's Youth Day Sabbath Service and Winter Family Social

The Southern Minnesota, La Crosse, Wisconsin, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, congregations hosted their annual Youth Day Sabbath Service and Winter Family Social on Feb. 22, 2014, at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch near Stewartville, Minnesota, south of Rochester. This annual event is a longstanding tradition, which started 17 years ago and draws youth from all three sister congregations as well as others from Minnesota’s Twin Cities congregation.

Despite the winter storm, which had moved through the area leaving road conditions icy and adventurous, 95 courageous souls braved the roads, assembling together to enjoy Sabbath services and the specially planned evening activities afterwards.

Since it was youth day, there were many young people participating in services. Opening and closing prayers were given by Isaac Nelson and Zach Hoover. Joel McNair and Dylan Riess were the song leaders. Sermonette time was shared by Jordan Stith, Matt Yule, Derek Riess and Brett Wood. Special music was also presented by the youth: Two beautiful duets were sung first by Amanda Boyer and Hanna Residorff, and the second one by Janel Railsback and Kayleen Hannaway. Many participated in the youth choir, which was directed by Rich Fakler.

The youth also served as door greeters, made a brochure with the order of service, and were also helpful in table and centerpiece set up.

The local brethren were happy to have as our special visiting guests from the home office Peter and Terri Eddington. Mr. Eddington gave a fine sermon message titled “Sowing Seeds for Future Generations.”

After services all enjoyed a warm winter menu consisting of a choice of two hot soups, platefuls of sandwiches, baskets of crackers, fruit and veggie trays, tasty salads and a scrumptious ice cream sundae bar with a variety of delicious toppings.

Evening activities included snow tubing, which was followed by a costume party and a family game show including a “newlywed game” for five married couples who had been married between one and 25 years. Those in the audience watching the shows had just as much fun as the participants who won the games and individuals who received the prizes for the best costumes.

It took many willing hands to organize the social and serve in various areas. The local social committee planned the day’s activities, and coordinators Bill and Gayle Baylor helped oversee the various committees. The young people who served at Sabbath services also helped Tracy Riess with the big job of cleaning up the building after the event. Our goal was to leave the facility as good or better than we found it. The Ironwood staff, from whom we rented the facility, said that our Church brethren always do an amazing job cleaning up and after we leave they don’t even know we have been there.

All who attended were grateful for God’s blessing on the entire day’s activities and extremely thankful for His protection for their safe arrival home.