United Church of God

Southwest Missouri Women’s Enrichment Weekend

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Southwest Missouri Women’s Enrichment Weekend

Activities began on Friday evening with a light dinner and get-acquainted activity. Steve and Evelyn Shafer journeyed from Michigan to join us this year. Mr. Shafer’s sermon was titled “A Mighty Warrior,” expanding on the godly role of women.

Evelyn Shafer kicked off our presentations by reflecting on the “Doors of Opportunity” she has experienced in her Christian walk, and how prayer and Bible study helped her through new experiences and trials. Other speakers included Lorraine Barnett, Jamie Justus, Delores Cook and Mary Woods. Carol Szymkowiak wrapped up on Sunday by figuratively giving everyone a brand new red Corvette. She then walked through the concept “Is Prayer and Bible Study Your Life’s Steering Wheel or Your Life’s Spare Tire?” Mrs. Symkowiak challenged us to review all the many prayers in the Bible to learn and grow in our own prayer life.

This year’s service project supported Ambassador Bible College through our ever-popular silent auction. The money collected will go towards a scholarship for someone in need who wants to attend ABC. In addition personal hygiene products were collected for a local women’s shelter.

Food throughout the weekend was again provided by various church areas including Tulsa/Oklahoma, St. Louis, Springfield and congregations in Alabama. This support helps keep this weekend affordable for most.

Wonderful added values to the Southwest Missouri Women’s Enrichment Weekends are the activities for the men. On Sabbath afternoon, all interested gentlemen gathered at the Otts’ farm for a chili feed and great conversation. On Sunday morning they assembled once again for brunch at a nearby eatery. This has become a staple activity for the men and adds to the experience for all.

Some of the heartfelt responses included the positive atmosphere, encouragement, love and joy openly expressed. One woman commented that the weekend inspires her to serve more in her own congregation. Several expressed appreciation for the concrete tools to improve their own prayer and Bible study. All in all, the comments reflected a feeling of inspiration and camaraderie.

Merna Eppick