United Church of God

Special Sabbath in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Special Sabbath in Charlotte, North Carolina

The apostle Paul preached to the Athenians from Mars Hill. Our associate pastor, Scott Hoefker, preached a very inspiring sermon on intercessory prayer from the outdoor walkway of University Meadows School for our Sabbath, Sept. 3, here in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Our custodian had arrived, and our set-up crew was eagerly awaiting the “OK” to enter the building and begin setting up our meeting room for services. She came to the door instead to tell us, “We have no air, no lights, only emergency lights inside,” due to a thunderstorm Friday night. We were more than willing to meet in the building without air conditioning (having already done so many times before) and with only emergency lights, which were adequate. However, after consultations between church and school contacts it was approved for us instead to meet outside the building. More members were arriving, and things can quickly get done when lots of “worker ants” get together, committed to having Sabbath services! Each one went into our meeting hall to bring folding chairs, the podium, tables, flowers, song books, etc., and set up rows, two chairs wide, from one end of the covered walkway to the school entrance for about 50 brethren. After a prayer of thanks for having our own meeting place, song service began with no piano, but with our a capella experienced deacon, Larry Powers, leading our singing. It was on tune and heartily sung!

Mr. Hoefker gave a stirring sermon on standing with our brethren in need through intercessory prayer, beginning from Paul’s being left alone and abandoned at the end of his life (2 Timothy 4:9-16). Also very touching was 1 Samuel 12:23: “God forbid I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you...” A strong motivation to be faithful in intercessory prayer! With no amplification, his strong voice carried to those towards the rear.

It was interesting, outside, to see the cars “running to and fro,” oblivious to the precious Word of God being taught from the walkway of a local school.

Several years ago the Charlotte congregation had to quickly regroup for Sabbath services at the Harrisburg Park in a covered picnic shelter on another hot summer day when no custodian showed up. This time we were so thankful for the cloudy morning. Our final hymn, “Thank You Lord For Your Blessings,” was sung with gusto and thanksgiving for a very special Sabbath service on a cloudy morning following a summer of brutal temperatures. Following our refreshments and fellowship, the sun came out as we were beginning to leave.