UCG Ireland Holds Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the United Church of God-Ireland Charity took place in Leighlinbridge on the evening of Dec. 10. Those officers whose term of office had expired were re-elected to their previous posts.
Following the previous chief executive officer’s resignation from the United Church of God, a new CEO for Southern Ireland was appointed at an extraordinary general meeting held on the April 24, 2011. Because of personnel changes, it was agreed to amend the signatories for UCG-Ireland’s bank account.
At a general meeting it was also agreed to investigate the possibility of advertising using Google ads. It was agreed that these would be displayed to people in a 50 mile radius of Dublin only. During this period to date, some 8,000 clicks have been recorded and the circulation of The Good News has increased from 250 to 556 for the current issue.
It was also agreed to advertise the booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy and this ad appeared in The Nationalist newspaper, with the response of about 11 readers being added to the mailing list.
Since February a ministerial visit to Ireland has been achieved most months. This has been supplemented with Skype sermons connecting the Isle of Man with the Irish brethren.
Plans for 2012 include holding the first of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminars in Dublin on Saturday, February 11, 2012 as well as continuing with the Google ads for as long as is affordable.