United Church of God

UNITED YOUTH CAMPS: Camp Davidson : Challenged, Connected, Confident

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Camp Davidson : Challenged, Connected, Confident

We really had a fantastic year at Camp Davidson in Oregon, with a super staff and amazing mix of campers and dorms! We started camp by setting the focus on three areas: accepting challenges, making connections and learning godly confidence.

Accepting challenges is a foundational concept at camp, based on Ecclesiastes 9:10: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." We encourage everyone to mentally prepare, learn the skill of an activity and take the challenge of learning something new.

This is accomplished with a variety of activities that challenge in different ways, including archery, arts and crafts, basketball/volleyball, dance instruction, Excellence in Living, flag football, hiking, kayaking, low and high challenge courses, rock wall, swimming and waterskiing. New challenges for 2006 were the addition of water polo, water aerobics, capture the flag and an overnight camping trip for G4 and B4 (the oldest girls' and boys' dorms).

Making connections that last a lifetime is vital and is based on the principle in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10: "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up." We learned to tie a threefold cord (which is not quickly broken, verse 12) by making connections with God, our friends and our Church family throughout the week.

In addition to mealtime and free time, this year we specifically designed a number of new activities to encourage strong connections. These included:

• Memorization of a scripture a day.

• "Wisdom: Skill for Life" Bible classes each morning on a range of topics including gossip, the fear of God and proper language.

• A session on masculinity for the guys and femininity for the girls.

• Five classes for combined brother/sister dorms, including hiking, Excellence in Living, waterskiing, capture the flag and dance.

• "Take 5" with another dorm anytime.

• Two all-camp dances.

• Dorms G4/B4 overnight hike.

• Novelty Olympics.

Lastly, we focused on building the right type of confidence based on God and His involvement in our lives. This is founded on Philippians 1:6: "...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." The sum total of the camp experience helps us to understand that God's way works, He has a uniquely crafted plan for each of us and He helps us through the difficult times. Therefore we can be confident because God guides all our steps.

By far one of the favorite parts of camp was the nightly campfire! Campfire consists of many fun activities that really bring the entire camp and staff together, including the world-famous dorm greetings contest, Camp Davidson salutes, relay games, riddles and contests, dorm inspection results and songs. It is wrapped up with an inspiring campfire story.

The sermon given on the Sabbath by David Holladay was titled "The Battle for Your Heart" and wove together the five memorization scriptures into a formula for protecting your heart from Satan's attempt to capture it. The Sabbath concluded with a nicely orchestrated sit-down banquet and the second all-camp dance after sunset.

The staff had a fantastic time getting to know everyone, and we have all seen amazing growth in all the fine young men and women over the years!