United Church of God

Update from General Conference of Elders: Sunday, May 3

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Update from General Conference of Elders

Sunday, May 3

Address from the Chairman
Dr. Donald Ward’s was presented virtually. His address covered the Church’s raison d’être, our reason for being. He noted that this is the same as asking, “why were you born?” He also encouraged listeners to encourage each member to take his or her ownership of the truth and become a dispenser—one who is ready and willing with his or her feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Address from the President
Mr. Kubik remarked that the theme of the 2020 GCE, “Moving Forward with Conviction, Commitment and Courage” is a perfect theme for the 25th anniversary of UCG as we commemorate our conversion, commitment, convictions and the ability to show courage to the world. He also covered the strategic plan for 2020-2021, spending time on each of the three sections: congregational care, organizational stewardship and public proclamation.

Address from Ministerial and Member Services
Operation Manager Mark Welch presented a PowerPoint covering average U.S. attendance, the 36 baptisms so far in 2020, two ordinations since the February Council meeting and one recredentialed elder, with two full-time ministerial trainees. He also gave updates to the nine goals presented at the GCE last year.

Address from Media and Communication Services
Operation Manager Peter Eddington provided updates on the employees involved with mail processing, print, web and video. He mentioned that responses from programs recorded in the new studio continue to be above what we received with the old studio. He also covered results from the recent Beyond Today survey and plans going forward for the next year, which included working to ensure that the gospel message we preach is always relevant, compelling and motivational.

Address from the Treasurer
Treasurer Rick Shabi’s address was presented virtually from Florida. He noted that the current health crisis has become a financial crisis very quickly. However, on the morning of April 27 when his message was recorded, the budget was surpassed for April. Mr. Shabi gave a brief history of UCG’s income over the past 20 fiscal years and presented a slide explaining cash balances as of April 27, 2020. 

Tribute to the Deceased Elders and Wives
Pastor Greg Thomas gave the tribute to those elders and wives who have died in the faith in the past year.

Ballot Results
Dr. Frank Dunkle presented the ballot results. He noted that we have had more ballot participation this year than in past years.

John Elliott – International representative on the Council
Aaron Dean, Dan Dowd, and John Miller – U.S. representatives on the Council

• 2020-2021 Strategic Plan— Approved (Y-248; N-13)
• 2020-2021 Operation Plan—Approved (Y-241; N-19)
• 2020-2021 Budget—Approved (Y-231; N-29)
• Proposed Amendment to Constitution 4.7—Approved (Y-227; N-27)
• Proposed Amendment to Bylaws 8.4.1—Rejected (Y-109; N-150)
• Proposed Manner of Approving Mergers with Other Religious Organizations—Approved (Y-216; N-41)
• Proposed Amendment to Constitution 4.1 (6); and Amendment to Bylaws 7.5.3; and Amendment to Bylaws 8.7.2 (7)—Approved (Y-222; N-36) 
• Council of Elders Nomination Process; Election Process for the Council of Elders of the United Church of God An International Association; and Absentee Balloting Procedure—Approved (Y-237; N-20)