United Church of God

Update from the President: August 27, 2020

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Update from the President

August 27, 2020

The highlight of this past week has been the start of the 2020-2021 Ambassador Bible College academic year. This has brought new life and optimism to the home office! Twenty students divided among 11 men and 9 women came here from all over the United States, including one from Australia. The class this year would have been significantly larger, but due to COVID-19 travel restrictions it settled in a little lower than projected. We are still very happy for every single student who has arrived.

Last Sunday, ABC faculty and staff gathered with the incoming students for the annual Welcome Picnic. To comply with local social distancing guidelines, the picnic was held outside. The next day, Monday, everyone gathered for the ABC orientation. One by one, faculty members spoke about guidelines and instructions for the ABC experience. I mentioned that we were here not only to learn the Bible but also to live what the Bible teaches. We may not know all that's in the Bible, but the Bible fully knows everything about us. Our focus is what Paul admonished young Timothy: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). That's what ABC is all about.

ABC is a great place to learn proper leadership skills as students serve the Church and community in the coming months.

ABC Coordinator Frank Dunkle cited Malachi 3:6 by telling students that while policies and guidelines can change, institutions sometimes change, but God does not change. Moreover, the Word of God is timeless and changeless.

Ambassador Bible College is an excellent program to give a person a systematic study of the entire Bible. I would like to remind everyone of ABC's mission, as it clearly articulates what we want ABC to accomplish for the future of the Church:

Mission Statement

The mission of Ambassador Bible College (ABC), sponsored by the United Church of God, an International Association, is to diligently uphold and faithfully teach the truths of God, as found in the Bible, to equip disciples of Jesus Christ for a life of faithfulness and godly service.

To accomplish this mission, ABC has appointed skilled instructors to lead the students through a systematic study of the Holy Scriptures and related topics. It is intended that those who receive these teachings will pass the precious understanding of God's truth to others.

Latest Compass Check magazine

You may want to see our latest online edition of Compass Check, a limited circulation print magazine for our teens. The quarterly fall edition, however, is online now for everyone at https://www.ucg.org/members/compass-check/compass-check-fall-2020

I have appreciated the creativity of our young adults with articles from teens who produce this publication. While the primary target audience is our teens, I find the articles just as relevant and interesting for us older people.

Here is a listing of some of the articles in this edition:

  • Three Reasons Not to Let Life Get You Down

  • What is Justice?

  • iHuman 2.0: The Final Upgrade

  • Like a City Without Walls (about self-control)

  • A Test of Faith: Landsliding Into the Feast

  • Be Bold and Do Great Exploits!

  • Be a Light

The latest edition of the bi-monthly United News went to press yesterday. With all the disheartening things we have heard about cancellations in recent months, it is so encouraging to read about all the Church activities that DID take place. This issue contains church news as well as Christian living articles in the GN section. The United News is subscribed to by as many people outside the Church as in the Church.

I'm always moved by the apostle Paul's loving expressions about the churches he served in Asia Minor and Europe. He empathized with their trials and always encouraged them. Let's be that way one to another. Let's remember to show kindness toward each other. Everyone is going through something. This week alone we've had lethal rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, fires in California and Hurricane Laura that has come ashore in Louisiana.

May God be with you this coming week as we get closer to the Holy Days—starting with the Feast of Trumpets only three weeks from this Sabbath.