United Church of God

Where Do I Go From Here?

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Where Do I Go From Here?

I am still taking this entire experience in. Every time someone asks me how my trip went, I get the hugest smile on my face and don’t even know where to begin. Do I start by describing how cute the children were? How the people I stayed with were so inspiring? Or how the view was breathtaking? And then where do I go from there? So much experience was packed into a two week trip.

I learned so much during this trip. From both the children and the other teammates I was working with. Each of the women gave a little TED-type talk, and the guys all gave sermonettes. These were a great addition to the trip, as we were able to learn more about each other as well as take lessons from each. I do believe that God had a hand in picking each of us for this trip to impact one another in different ways.

The children there were so much fun, and right away we got thrown into the craziness of the orphanage. I was changing diapers right away and playing with the kids, holding babies and feeding them too. It took me a bit to get all of their names down, but by the end I could call them all by name. They each have a special place in my heart, and will forever have one there. Even though most of them are so young, you can learn a lot from them.

I will be visiting Eagles Nest at some point in the next couple years, hopefully sooner than later. I have promises to the children to keep -- I told many of them that I would see them again in the future -- and that is a promise that I fully intend on keeping. Also, a huge thanks to all of the congregations and sponsors that made this trip a possibility. Pedro and Feliz are doing great things there, and I am so blessed to have been a part of it.