United Church of God

Eagle's Nest Orphanage 2014

The children at Eagle’s Nest Orphanage thrive on receiving individual attention from loving adults. Therefore the Youth Corps Team’s primary goal will be to spend time each day showing the children love, affection and building relationships.

Another goal is to help the children improve their English skills through daily lessons and exposure. The ability to speak English gives Guatemalans an improved opportunity to find work and build a career in tourism, business or teaching. Volunteers will work using songs, games and activities to help make learning English fun.

A Bible lesson, prepared by the Guatemalan volunteers, will be taught to the children each day.

Eagle’s Nest encourages the groups to craft the project based on the strengths of the volunteers. Other secondary objectives include helping contribute to the maintenance of the campus, provide entertainment, or help with serving meals to local children in need.

To apply for this opportunity, please visit http://www.ucgyouthcorps.org/projects/application.php

We will add biographies for volunteers once they are chosen. Once the project has started check back regularly for blogs and video updates.