United Church of God

Youth Camp in Ghana 2019

United Youth Corps is seeking four volunteers, two men and two women, to serve as staff members at the United Youth Camp to be held in Accra, Ghana; travel buffers and minor sightseeing, before and after camp, will add approximately five days to the visit.

These must be spiritually focused individuals who display Christian living and leadership principles, both by word and example. These participants must have a good grasp on what creating “The Zone” for godly growth is all about. They will be responsible for organizing and implementing camper activities that will provide a skill-set or specific lesson to be learned. These volunteers must be patient, self-motivated and hard working. They must work well with others in a team setting and be able to endure minor hardships without complaint. Participants must be in relatively good health.

This program will benefit the youth of Ghana, as it will connect them with dedicated young adults in God’s church who display an attitude of service and care for others. The Ghanaian young adults who serve as staff will also benefit from the relationships built with the United Youth Corps volunteers. Ultimately, the local congregations will benefit from the lessons each camper brings home with them from camp.

In turn, the United Youth Corps volunteers will gain a deeper understanding into the value of service to others. They will experience the education of international travel, and see how God’s people live in Ghana. They will learn valuable spiritual lessons that can then be shared in their local congregations. 

For a fact sheet with more detail about the project and the costs for volunteers or to apply please download the application below.

** deadline to apply has been extended to April 1, 2019
