United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Bastrop, Texas

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Bastrop, Texas

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A group of 260 brethren gathered at Bastrop for the Feast of Tabernacles. All meetings were held at the Convention and Exhibit Center. Brethren served in an attitude of humility and cooperation to create a millennial atmosphere that made it a time of refreshing for all (Acts 3:18-21).

Daily messages pointed members to the coming Kingdom of God and the blessing of being able to see its significance. Messages emphasized being a peacemaker; enduring to the end; the right understanding of God’s law; leadership; anticipation, joy and thankfulness; seeking more clarity about the meaning of the Feast; ensuring we get to the Millennium; millennial business practices and becoming like Jesus Christ.

The daily messages were enhanced by a variety of virtual music, individual presentations, family groups and a live presentation by the children’s choir.

The preteens enjoyed two classes geared to their grade levels with a focus on God’s Word being a lamp unto their feet (Psalm 119:105). Adults and teens also enjoyed Friday night Bible studies geared to further enhance their understanding of God’s truth.

We enjoyed family day at Barton Hill Farms, a senior citizens’ luncheon and a night of games and fellowship.

God clearly placed His blessing on the gathering for the Feast with good weather, a beautiful gathering place, profitable messages and great fellowship. It was another memorable year on the journey to the reality of what God pictures through the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day.

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