United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Blolé, Côte d’Ivoire

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Blolé, Côte d’Ivoire

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Brethren from the two congregations in Côte d’Ivoire, La Mé and Man, observed the Feast together in Blolé at the Complex Hotelier Infinité. Services were held each day in either French or Yacouba with many visitors present due to a special event which the Church hosted during Feast. The high attendance during the Feast was 40 people. Each day, women from the church prepared meals for Feastgoers, providing three meals a day for everyone. We received extra assistance so that the meals would be copious and special, as well as special assistance to improve the fence around the church property. During the morning of the third day, five brave souls participated in a 10K run, cheered on by others.

Fellowship was very meaningful every day. After services on the first day of the Feast, the Church received assistance to host a village-wide local evangelism event, inviting people from the community of 8,000 people to join them for song, dance, food and a special sermon. More than 400 came for the outdoor event, including the village elders, and the event lasted for six hours until 2 a.m., when the rains came in. The congregation purchased a cow and had it slaughtered so that everyone present could have a meal. Professional Yacouba singers punctuated the evening with praise music and dance, and the theme of the sermon by Albert Oulai was the wedding feast of Matthew 22, asking if those present would accept God’s invitation or not. Local member Fulgence Oulai tailored matching traditional clothes for the members who led the evening so that church members would be recognizable. The following day, many who attended the event came to services and asked questions about the Church and its doctrines.

Albert Oulai et
Mamadou Tokpa

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