United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Chinacota, Colombia

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Chinacota, Colombia

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For a second consecutive year we were able to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles at the Incanto Hotel, located in the tourist town of Chinacota, in the northeastern part of Colombia.

We were able to have the hotel exclusively for the eight days of the Feast. The largest number of people that attended was 46, although the regular attendance was 44 people.

We held several activities, including a bonfire and a family outing. Unlike last year, when it was necessary, due to COVID-19, to have two small sites, we were able to gather most members and regular attendees to this Feast site. God granted us our desire to be able to all gather in one place.

This year we had the pleasant presence of a deacon, Aaron Dominguez. His messages were appreciated by all the attendees. We enjoyed the spiritual food provided by our loving Father, particularly messages about life during the Millennium and the Eighth Day, detailing the important work that the firstfruits will have when the Kingdom is established, and emphasizing the urgency of preparing for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Especially interesting and profitable were the two interactive Bible studies we had on Friday and Sunday, prior to the weekly and annual Sabbaths. In a very pleasant atmosphere of true family unity, young people and adults asked questions and commented on various topics about the Word of God. It is at these times that we felt the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 4:18, “Therefore encourage one another with these words” (New International Version).

We were also able to enjoy the delicious physical food with a variety of tasty menu dishes.  A final point to highlight was the great dedication of the staff assigned exclusively to serve us, always ready with a kind gesture and diligent to satisfy our requests. But best of all was the positive impression we left on them. Their own words were: “Your presence here renews this place.” To this we say: thank the Eternal God!

Jaime Salek

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