United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Glacier Country, Montana

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Glacier Country, Montana

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Just west of Glacier National Park, 145 brethren rejoiced before God and Jesus Christ. Over half of those attending stayed on-site at Glacier Bible Camp where the Feast was celebrated.

Feast activities included a bowling party after sunset on the first day. The second day included the family day activities held in the playground area of the camp. On the third day, early services were held so there would be more time to explore Glacier National Park and the beautiful Flathead Valley. Brethren reported sightings of moose, elk, deer, mountain goats, bighorn sheep and bears. Other activities included the senior luncheon, ladies’ tea luncheon, hymn sing, teen pizza/movie night and Bible studies. On many evenings, brethren gathered around a campfire or in the lobby or dining hall to play games and fellowship.

One unusual consideration this year was that, due to a poor year for berries, black bears came into the camp trying to find food to help them prepare for their winter hibernation. One mama bear had three cubs and another had two. Proper care was exercised and there were no negative encounters, although some did see the bears from not too far away! During services there were many references to Isaiah 11:7—“The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”

Just over a dozen people contracted COVID-19, but by providing anyone who wasn’t feeling well with a test kit, the cases and impact were much less than last year. The brethren were very conscientious about testing and staying at home if not well. We appreciated everyone showing such concern and love for one another.

The Feast flew by and too soon people were saying tearful goodbyes, leaving for their homes but filled with good memories of God’s magnificent creation, fellowship with friends both old and new and a renewed clear vision of the coming Kingdom of God!

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