United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Rockingham, Western Australia

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Rockingham, Western Australia

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In the tall, spacious, glass-fronted Gary Holland Community Centre, the beautiful beachside city of Rockingham, Western Australia, hosted 50 Western Australians, 17 East Coasters, one American and one South African, as they gathered to celebrate the Feast together.

Launched by the inspiring opening night message by Rick Shabi, the Feast messages focused on God’s plan of salvation, preparing for the marriage to Christ, godly leadership (ruling with gentle authority), seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and reaching out for reconciliation through Christ. Encouraged to never lose the vision, we were reminded that this physical life is temporary and that we are children of God and heirs, inheriting what Christ created.

As is Western Australian custom, the meet and greet after the first Holy Day service was filled with sumptuous finger foods, drinks and fellowship.

The Kingdom Quiz Night was a fun evening of biblical questions, naming hymns, Scripture recognition and delicious dessert.

The Perth Observatory once again brought telescopes to Point Peron and transported us light years away into the endless universe. We zoomed in on Jupiter, Saturn, Antares, Albireo (yellow and blue double star), the 47 Tucanae Global Cluster, the Jewel Star Cluster, Tarantula Nebula and Lagoon Nebula.

The popular hymn sing beginning the Sabbath evening brought praises to God in song and was a great time for young, aspiring songleaders to “have a go.”

During Sabbath school the children built a temporary dwelling. The youth and young adults learned more about taking steps towards baptism and later enjoyed an eventful evening of ten pin bowling.

The Eighth Day brought us another inspiring service focusing on the meaning of the day with a reminder that the vision of the Kingdom is not the end but only the beginning of God’s plan to bring many sons to glory.

The annual spiritual family photo was taken and the farewell lunch was a delicious catered roast dinner with desserts, providing time for fellowship, confirming friendships, fostering unity among brethren and farewelling travelers. It was another wonderful, inspiring Feast.

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