United Church of God

About Messianic Judaism

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About Messianic Judaism

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Although their beliefs are quite varied, research by ABC instructor Ralph Levy showed three of the main areas where their teachings differ from the Church of God.

The Godhead: All of the Messianic groups Dr. Levy examined accept the classic Trinity doctrine.

Ambivalence about the law: Dr. Levy found a lack of clarity among various Messianic groups about the law, which led to a variety of practices. Some go to church on Sunday, some observe the weekly Sabbath and Holy Days, and some feel the Holy Days are recommended, not required.

The identity of modern Israel: Dr. Levy found Messianic Jews generally do not accept the Church of God's understanding of the identity of the United States and Britain as Manasseh and Ephraim.

The article "About Messianic Judaism" appeared in the Fall 2002 issue of Ministerial Quarterly, pages 2-4. To read a copy, check with a UCG elder in your area, or write mike_bennett@ucg.org.

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