United Church of God

Alcoholism and You

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Alcoholism and You

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Alcoholism results in the deaths of over 100,000 people a year in the United States alone. Alcohol is also involved in 30 percent of suicides, 55 percent of auto fatalities, 65 percent of deaths by drowning and a staggering 85 percent of domestic violence. Direct and indirect costs of alcohol abuse is estimated at well over a billion dollars a year. Half of this figure is paid by industry in lost time, health and welfare benefits, property damage, medical expenses, and overhead costs of insurance and lost wages.

Despite these shocking statistics, alcohol consumption has increased nearly 50 percent over the past generation. There are an estimated 18 million alcoholics in the United States (6 percent to 7 percent of the nation's population), each of whom negatively affect an average of four to seven other people. There is no way to put a dollar figure on the emotional agony suffered by alcoholics, their families and co-workers.

Although these figures are for the United States, alcoholism is a prevalent problem in other nations as well.

Beginning with this article, the Focused Education Committee will be sharing helpful information on the critical and often neglected subject of alcoholism. This article explains the need for alcoholism information in the church.

Is alcoholism a problem in the United Church of God? A survey conducted some twenty years ago in our previous affiliation indicated that alcoholism afflicted the membership of the church in similar proportions to the society in which they lived. We bring our problems into the church, and the society has far greater effect on us than many of us would like to admit (see box at right).

The fundamental reason has already been stated—we have our roots in this present system and are not immune from the effects of this growing problem.

Many of you reading this article are impacted by alcoholism. Others know of friends, family members or other brethren who have problems when drinking. And this is only the tip of the iceberg, because denial is one of the primary symptoms of the affliction. In addition, by semi-controlled drinking, many alcoholics evade detection for long periods of time.

The problem of alcoholism thrives in an atmosphere where knowledge and awareness are lacking. Many misconceptions, misunderstandings and prejudices about alcohol and alcoholism and how to deal with it perpetuate the problem and prolong the suffering of all concerned. An enlightened membership can be a strong bulwark against the painful experiences of alcoholism.

Here are some specific areas of need.


The old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," is certainly true with reference to alcoholism. How can we recognize the symptoms and signs of developing alcoholism? Driving under the influence, public drunkenness or debilitating physical problems are the later stages of this problem, not the onset. How can we help our children understand and prevent this destruction in their lives?

A wealth of material is available on the subject, much of it at no cost.


How would you recognize a problem with alcohol? Few of us are experts in this field. Could you evaluate a developing situation in your life or anothers? What exactly is alcoholism? Is it a character weakness or an illness? What are the symptoms? Where would you find sound and reliable information?


If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol, what should you do about it? Should you tell the pastor if the person is a member? Should a member seek help outside the Church, or should prayer and ministerial counsel be sufficient?

How much do you know about treatment programs? What happens at AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or Alanon meetings? Should a church member participate in these programs? What about the twelve step AA program? Is it really a spiritual program? If so, would such involvement with nonmembers be joining another religion?

Understanding and Support

Alcoholics and their families live under a heavy burden of guilt and shame. Even in recovery there can be a great deal of emotional pain and trauma for the entire family. The Church is designed to be a unique spiritual support system for suffering members (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Alcoholics and their families need love and support of the right kind. Unfortunately, the "way that seems right" is often the opposite of what is really needed. The more we understand the dynamics of any problem, the better we can identify with those who struggle with it. Alcoholism is no exception.

Reaching Out to Others

Jesus came "to heal the brokenhearted, to preach delivery to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed" in the context of preaching the gospel (Luke 4:18). He was able to reach out to those suffering people and offer them help and hope.

Alcoholism is a downward progression to the bottom of the barrel—medically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. It is 100 percent fatal if not arrested. Many never pull out of this syndrome. Those who seek help usually do so only after "hitting bottom" in some area of their life, or because of a successful "intervention" by caring, concerned friends or relatives.

With proper understanding, you can be a lifeline to someone and plant a seed of hope that can have positive results for all eternity (Romans 8:18-21).

Please do what you can to help by learning all you can about alcoholism so you can provide informed direction, support and encouragement for those in need as God grants you the opportunity. More information is to follow from the Focused Education Committee on this vital subject.

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