United Church of God

Dealing With Objections to the Flood

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Dealing With Objections to the Flood

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Objections to the Flood story are often brought up. One question that is often raised is: How could Noah have fit all those animals into the ark? Those who raise this point for the purpose of questioning the Bible may have overlooked several important points in the story. The boat that Noah built was enormous. It was apparently three stories (Genesis 6:16) and had a lot of room for large and small animals.

Some think that Noah had to take every species of animal that has ever been found on the earth into the ark. Modern science has shown that animals do vary (within a biblical kind) with time (Michael Denton, Evolution, a Theory in Crisis, page 44).

God has created life with the ability to adapt to its surroundings. The outward characteristics of most animals can be altered through selective breeding. When we consider that species do vary, the number of animals that Noah had to take is greatly diminished. In fact, Noah may have only taken one kind from the cat family into the ark. Perhaps there were more, we don't know, but it was not necessary for Noah to take every modern variation of the cat family.

Another obvious question is, Where did the water come from?

Let's see what the Bible says about the source of the water. In Genesis 7:11 the Bible says: "on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Notice that the source of the water was not just the amount of moisture in the atmosphere-it was water that was in the earth. Before the Flood the Bible describes great rivers as coming out of the depths of the earth (Genesis 2:10). Apparently this water was combined with the water in the air to create the Flood.

Let's never forget that the Flood of Noah was a miraculous event. God is the Creator of the universe and could have created the water used in the Flood.

It is this stand of faith in God's Word that is important. We can either believe God's Word as inspired or not. The biblical evidence shows us reasonably how the Flood was a miracle of God.

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