United Church of God

House Rules

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House Rules

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One of ours is "pick up after yourself." This is generally kept, but not always. When it is not kept, it causes disruption and sometimes anger. That is not a happy home.

Every abode—whether a castle or one room—has what are known as house rules. Some house rules are many and strict; some, few and simple; and others, in-between. They are all necessary to keep the abode and its occupants from creating disharmony and unhappiness.

House rules often carry over from one abode to another. Children after leaving home often find themselves using the same house rules their parents used, even if they did not like them then. Businesses have house rules that must be followed or there is disruption and sometimes dismissal.

The Bible tells us of God's house rules. In the beginning God prepared an abode on earth in anticipation that two future children of His would occupy it. It was spacious, and had everything that would be needed for them to live, grow and enjoy their lives.

But Adam and Eve were given one specific house rule. Do not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That rule was broken and the occupants were cast out to lives of disharmony and unhappiness, until it got so unbearable at the time of Noah that humanity's earthly abode had to be destroyed.

To preserve the human race, God had another abode built—an ark. The eight residents of the ark also had house rules. They were to eat only clean foods as designated by God, and to obey God in righteousness. After the Flood again the rules were not followed and disharmony and unhappiness prevailed.

God later prepared a land flowing with milk and honey and promised that a selected nation would occupy it. They were taught God's 10 main house rules, the Ten Commandments, along with various other rules. Did they obey them? No! Thereafter disharmony ruled and unhappiness reigned.

Jesus Christ is now preparing abodes to be occupied in the future by the elect saints (John 14:2-4). These occupants will be carefully selected for their willingness to keep the spiritual house rules, thereby living forever in harmony and complete happiness with God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son.

If anyone will not abide by God's 10 house rules now, he or she will not enter God's Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Revelation 21:8; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:5; and Isaiah 66:15-17).

Are you willing to follow Jesus by keeping the house rules now, and any others there will be in the Kingdom? If the answer is "Yes," you will be able to reside happily in the abodes of God's Kingdom forever.

Thanks be to God!

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