United Church of God

Keeping the Feast at Home With a Baby (or While Expecting One)

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Keeping the Feast at Home With a Baby (or While Expecting One)

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Children are indeed a blessing from the Lord, says the Scripture (Psalm 127:3). It is a great cause for rejoicing when an expectant mom and dad bring a child into the world.

There is always a lot of travel and activity surrounding the Feast of Tabernacles. For expectant parents or those with a very young newborn, it is wise to not be too heavily engaged in this. The baby’s health and Mom’s health are top priorities. Limiting activities to a safe, comfortable level and making sure good medical or qualified alternative help is within easy reach is prudent.

Make the Feast a time of rejoicing, especially for the joy of God’s great blessing of children.

Keeping the Feast at home with a baby or while expecting one can be an enriching physical and spiritual experience for the family. God’s word tells us to “rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days” (Leviticus 23:40) during the Feast of Tabernacles. Though you are keeping the Feast at home, there is much to rejoice about!

God commands us to keep the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days and to “dwell in booths,” or temporary dwelling for the whole Feast (Leviticus 23:41-42). This is because He wants us to understand that we are “strangers and pilgrims on this earth” (Hebrews 11:13).

While you stay at home for the Feast, you can look at this is as a temporary situation. It will soon change. Normally, it will not be long before baby and Mom are ready to travel. While you keep the Feast at home for their sake, look forward to traveling again to keep the Feast in a true temporary dwelling.  

Though you need to be at home for the Feast, you can still receive good, meaty, spiritual messages. Find a Feast site that is webcasting and keep up with the daily messages. There are also plenty of posted sermons with Feast themes at the Church’s website. Remember, while keeping the Feast at home, God still intends that we keep this Feast to learn about Him.

You can also let others in the Church know you are staying at home for the Feast because of your baby. Give them your contact information and welcome them to correspond with you during the Feast. This is a good way for brethren to serve one another, and that helps build the Church!

If it is feasible and safe, plan an outing with your family to help you enjoy the Feast. Perhaps you can meet with others who are also not able to go to the Feast. With the excess second tithe that you have, you can buy something special, like more expensive food items you would not normally purchase.

As a parent bringing a new child into the world, you are a part of God’s creative work to grow His family. He desires that you teach your children about Him. Therefore, as you are keeping this Feast at home, give thought to how you will bring up your child “in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). God commands parents to teach His word diligently to their children (Deuteronomy 6:7). You can tell your child one day how you kept the Feast at home the year they were born.

To summarize, while at home during the Feast with a new baby or while expecting one, keep Mom and baby’s health a top priority. Make the Feast a time of rejoicing, especially for the joy of God’s great blessing of children.

Though you cannot be in a temporary dwelling away from your home, think of this Feast at home as a temporary experience. Keep yourself tuned into good Feast sermons, whether from live Feast webcasts or by recorded sermons on the Church website.

Maintain correspondence with other brethren who are attending the Feast at one of the Church’s festival sites. Make the Feast special with safe activities or using excess second tithe for a special food item or gift.

When you keep this Feast as God commands, even at home for the sake of your new or expected baby, He will bless you. For, “blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart” (Psalms 119:2)!

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  • heavenlywit

    This article should be shared with the ministry to make them more understanding of extenuating circumstances regarding feast of tabernacles and not traveling for 9-10 hours in a car with a newborn baby and a toddler as I was told to do when there's a festival location less than an hour away from home.

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