United Church of God

Our Time to Shine

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Our Time to Shine

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It’s almost winter. It’s getting colder, the days are shorter, and everyone is busy. This seems to be a chaotic and stressful time of year. But it doesn't have to be.

While most people right now are excited and getting ready for a holiday that we are not partaking in, many of us are trying to “hide out” until the “storm” passes. The whirlwind of the season is all around, but we don’t have to let it upset us. In fact, this dark time of year is the perfect opportunity to let our light shine. Our lights can shine brighter than ever right now if we let it.

What do I mean by this? In years past I dreaded going to the stores in December because I would always get asked, "What are you doing for Christmas?” by well-meaning people. Years ago I would usually say, "Well, not much,” to avoid a long discussion. While not actually lying, I wasn’t telling the whole truth. That didn’t sit well with me. But if you just say, “I don’t keep Christmas,” around here in the Bible belt, they'd always follow up with, “Don’t you believe in Jesus?”

So I decided to be a light, to shine what I understand to be truth. No more hiding it. Now when asked about Christmas, I proudly say. “We don’t observe Christmas, we only observe the days that Jesus kept.” This does two things at once: It explains what we don’t do, but also announces the fact that I love Jesus so much that I want to follow in His footsteps. This has sparked some great conversations with people. It’s taken the dread out of shopping in December and allowed my family to be lights that might even shine brighter than the holiday lights.

We don’t have to dread this time of year. Winter is a wonderful season God gave us to enjoy. We don’t have to get grumpy and complain when others, who have good intentions, wish us happy holidays. We can respond with love. Colossians 3:14-15 are good to remember: "And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony, and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."

We don’t have to hide in darkness until the winter has passed. Take the opportunity to shine your light for others to see. Pray and ask the Father to help you represent Him and Jesus Christ in all you say and do while we interact with others. This time of the year is truly our time to shine!

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