United Church of God

Philippine Youth Essay Contest: What Would You Do to Stir Up Zeal and Urgency?

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Philippine Youth Essay Contest

What Would You Do to Stir Up Zeal and Urgency?

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Last year the Church in the Philippines sponsored an essay contest for youth, ages 13 to 19, based on the question posed during Clyde Kilough's May 14 sermon: "What would you do to stir up zeal and a sense of urgency in the Church?"

A panel of judges composed of the Philippine National Council (including regional pastor David Baker and all the Philippine ministry) judged the entries without knowing who wrote them.

Cash prizes were awarded to the Gold, Silver and Bronze Level winners, along with four consolation prizes to Stella Mae B. Cambare, Saraine Gem Nagtalon, Jonathan Sagayno and Terelou R. Cabugwas.

The Gold Level Award essay is printed below, along with excerpts from the Silver and Bronze Level Award essays. The full essays can be found at www.ucg.org.ph/youth/contest.

Gold Level Award: Beyond Expectations

by Aunell Ross R. Angcos, 15, Manila

The world is not becoming better. If we are feeling its hostility against us today, expect to have more of it tomorrow. We Christians, as part of the 21st-century Church, are commissioned to cry out to the hostile world and expound the hope and warning from God and also to prepare a people such as ourselves who have the potential to be part of the first harvest. We are expected to carry that baton of responsibility through the most difficult time in history—the end time. But the question now is, Are we capable of fulfilling that responsibility?

Our persecuted and martyred brethren had one thing in common. They had zeal. They had that powerful driving force and passion in doing their responsibility no matter what. Zeal is what we need. Zeal is one of the most important ingredients that would enable us to accomplish our task effectively even through the most difficult times.

So knowing all these things, how can I, as a young man in the Church, answer the call to stir up zeal and a sense of urgency in the Church?

Lack of years is often associated with weakness and treated as a liability. To many points that is true. But it is not an excuse for not doing the things that we know are right and fitting.

In terms of answering our "call of duty," I came to this idea. Because of my age, not much is still expected from me by the people around me. I am not expected yet to accomplish great deeds done by older people. But God is my judge and not them. So what hinders me now if I strive to go beyond their expectations and show forth a light into a greater intensity that is uncommon for my age? In other words, one way I can positively impact the Church is by starting in my own life, stirring up godly zeal in me and showing forth an example.

"Action speaks louder than words." If I want to be a great example, I should go first and start at the basics of my life. As Paul commands young Timothy, "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12).

In My Word

This has to do with saying and not saying. The not saying part is the basic part of it. It has something to do with gossip, idle expressions, bad words and many more in different forms and ways. But saying truthful, edifying words is a must for us! To stir up zeal I must always initiate the talk about the things that would spiritually recharge us especially during the Sabbath fellowship since we have the tendency to deviate from what is the "proper conversation" for the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13). I should always bear in mind that God is in our midst, listening and writing a book of remembrance, as we meditate on His name (Malachi 3:16).

Another point is in terms of talking with the people in the world. We have a common weakness to conform to the world especially on the way it speaks. Yes, we are in the world but we are not of it! As true Christians, we should not allow ourselves to be negatively influenced by people around us but, if possible, we should practice leadership in terms of influencing them towards the right side and not us being influenced towards the wrong side.

In My Conduct

Our conduct should always be honorable and worthy of the gospel of Christ. If I were to be an example in my conduct, then I should start working first within me because what is seen in me is coming from what is inside me. As an ambassador of God, I should always bear in mind that I am representing God's name to the world; and if I am not careful with my conduct, I might blaspheme His name to the unbelievers. I can effectively preach God to them and expound His warning if they see that I live it.

In My Love

The perfect definition of true love is the way of give . But we should also watch our attitude in doing this. To be an example in my love I should not only focus on serving and giving, but I should carefully watch my attitude. Am I loving and serving others to serve myself? Or am I doing these because God first loved me and I am just merely responding to that love through others? I know it is impossible for us humans to love unconditionally if we haven't felt loved like that before. We are not ignorant about God's love for us and the sacrifice that serves as an evidence to that. It is just a matter of how we recognize that love , how we value it and how we act it!

In My Spirit

Since I am not yet baptized, I should be vigilant enough to guard myself from being spiritually passive. I may find it a reason for compromising what I believe in. I should always instill in my mind that even though I am not yet baptized, I am not exempted from the application of the things I know . True Christianity is not measured on rituals alone. It is measured on how each individual fulfills his or her commitment to God made during that process. Even though I may not yet have that "portfolio" of baptism, I can inspire others, even the baptized ones, to be more zealous by provoking them through the example of spirituality at my young age by actively using the Holy Spirit that is with me through my sanctification.

In My Faith

Faith has two sides—first the knowledge, and then the translation of that knowledge into action. Since I am still young, I lack much wisdom and understanding. So I should keep on learning more. I know that many challenges and trials await me in this arena of powers. I should prepare for it now.

I should dig into the Wisdom of the Ages as written in the Bible and, as much as possible, learn from it. And application should always follow to make my faith valid. I can be an example in my faith by doing the things that are right and proper and shunning the things that are ungodly amidst all the pressure, always bearing in mind God's unseen promises. I should always understand that life is full of choices and it is just a matter of prioritizing.

God is oftentimes allowing us to experience all these things to see His rank in our life, whether He is our first priority or we tend to compromise since we fear humans more than God. Let us always remember that once you get attached to someone or something (like school, job and other things) that is somehow overlapping God in your life, prepare, for God will soon test you regarding that matter!

In My Purity

Young as I am, I should now start practicing being pure mentally and physically. If I want to prevent the effect, I should stop the cause. The physical act is just the reaction to the thought that is sown in the mind. To prevent the action, I should strive to be mentally pure always. I should not make my mind a fertile place for bad seeds to grow by always thinking pure thoughts and meditating on God's ways.

To My Fellow Youths

Treat your age as an asset. Give much time in learning God's ways. Be conscious about your spiritual appearance. Be serious in your character building. Don't make your age a hindrance in accomplishing great deeds for the sake of God's glory to help stir up the much-needed zeal in the Church.

We should always bear in mind that the baton of responsibility will in time be passed on to us by our elders. There are many possibilities in our generation. We might form the era of the Church that will usher in the final preaching of the gospel to the world. It's just up to us if we will end up Philadelphians or Laodiceans. We should now realize the veracity of our role today and the heaviness of our responsibility tomorrow.

Let's now ask the question: How well are we preparing to be worthy and capable of that responsibility? The world is not getting better especially for true Christians. But all of these sufferings and trials we are experiencing and shall be experiencing are not worthy to be compared to the reward waiting for us if we overcome.

When all is said and done, which statement would you like to hear from Christ? "Depart from Me you unfaithful servant" or, "Well done, good and faithful servant, you are faithful in doing your responsibility even from your youth, enter into My rest?" You choose!

Silver Level Award: Starting the Spark of Zeal

by Audrey Ruth R. Angcos, 19, Manila


Having an enthusiasm to serve others is very easy if they reflect back the same with appreciation to the service rendered. But when God brought me into a situation where people are complacent and lethargic, that was the time when I learned the real meaning of zeal!...

I am a person who almost fell into the pit of discouragement when I saw brethren who did not do things that are godly and edifying. I almost lost my enthusiasm when I saw brethren who were complacent! In my thoughts, I was already judging others for not being a light to the world, not realizing that I myself was already casting darkness by the mere act of accusing them! It was God who eventually rescued me. He made me realize that I was very busy trying to remove the speck from my brothers' eye instead of removing that plank from my own! God made me realize that selfishness was eating me up. ..

I ran to God and asked for His help and forgiveness. That was the time that I committed my life to Him. By that time, my outlook in life became different. I started thinking outside the box. Instead of asking, "What can my brethren do for me?" I am asking myself, "What can I do for my brethren?" That was the time that I realized zeal is something that a person can only get from God, not just for yourself but also for others as well. It is going away from self-centeredness leaning towards genuine love and concern for others...

My goal in this life is not to be in the limelight, but to be a light in this darkened world. I do not want to do things to be praised by men, but I will do things that would cause men to praise God.

Even though how little are the things I am doing to stir up the zeal and sense of urgency in God's Church, as long as I have God to help me, I am positive that it can start a spark that can eventually ignite a fire in the belly that can engulf God's Church someday!

Bronze Level Award: The Keys I Have

by Shiena Rose A. Castillano, 19, Tacloban City


I had very little... involvement in the Church. It wasn't until my family gave a go-ahead to send me to the United Youth Camp that... I had a fresh, eager start.

Youths like to have fun... Why don't we let them have fun in God's place? Let us break and prove the myth wrong that the last place the young people would enjoy is the Church. Organizing an interactive Bible study is just one of the many ways...

Also, it is important for them to socialize (I prefer to call it interact), and meet people their age. It is overwhelming to see the youths of God gathered in one place, doing things together, enjoying everyone's company. Youths in a congregation should spend some time to create a special bond called friendship...

Hanging out with people who share the same faith as yours would mold you into a better, more spiritual person. Mind you, they can be a major influence. When I went to the UYC, I was more than astonished to find rare persons there who were a year or two my junior, but knew the Bible a lot better than I and had a stronger faith and closer relationship to the Lord. I became ashamed...

I'm doing a small part..., yet I've learned that zeal is contagious and rubs off on others.

Participation and involvement ... are the keys to heat up the engines of the youth to drive into the road leading to His promised eternal life. It is only when we young adults start taking part in the Church that we see colors in our spiritual journey...

The Church is like an already-running big car and everyone in the Church is in it. As future drivers, we should be in the passenger's seat, watching for ourselves how the current drivers steady the wheels to be able to reach God's Kingdom. If we are just seated uninvolved in the back seat, who then [will be ready]? UN

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