United Church of God

Pointing Toward the Kingdom of God

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Pointing Toward the Kingdom of God

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"Everything God does points toward the Kingdom of God," stated Clyde Kilough, president of United Church of God at the recent Feast of Tabernacles in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Larry Salyer, Feast coordinator at Steamboat Springs, said in a sermon, "As much as we desire for the Kingdom of God to come, God the Father and Jesus Christ want it even more passionately!"

If something means that much to God, that's worth meditating and praying about! Since we want to be like God, what can we do so that everything we think, say and do points to the Kingdom of God?

Mission and Vision Ever Clearly in Mind

Today the importance of having a clear mission statement is well-known and even fashionable—for businesses, individuals and even in movies. When Tom Cruise receives his mission in the movie, m:i:III, he must understand it instantly before the disposable camera explodes in a cloud of smoke. Of course, the ideal is to have the mission statement clearly written and then displayed in a prominent place where it will be seen regularly and spur action.

In His timeless written Word, the Bible, God has plainly commissioned us for the most exciting and important mission ever conceived. Based on the key verses of Hebrews 2:10, Matthew 24:14 and 28:19-20, the United Church of God has crafted vision and mission statements that precisely sum up what we must do.

Vision: "The vision of the Church derives its inspiration and motivation from God's purpose for humanity: bringing many sons to glory. God's desire is that all be saved and live eternally in His Kingdom and in His family. Assisting in the fulfillment of that vision is the mission of the Church."

Mission: "The mission of the Church of God is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world, make disciples in all nations and care for those disciples." The shortened version on our Church seal is: Preaching the Gospel, Preparing a People.

To really benefit from these so they can direct and inspire us daily, we can write these on a prayer card or post them on the bulletin board or refrigerator. Memorizing them will keep them ever with us.

Watching Tom Cruise's movie, who really thinks his mission will be impossible? What about ours? God says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations..." (Matthew 24:14, emphasis added). God guarantees it! Kingdom seekers win! We must point everything toward that Kingdom!


Just as sure, the Bride of Jesus Christ will be ready for the wedding supper celebration that inaugurates the glorious Kingdom. Revelation 19:7 prophesies "...the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." The Bride will be adorned in clean, white linen, without wrinkle or spot.

The question for each of us is: Will we be ready? Will our spots be gone? Not if after maybe decades in the Church, we are like the Dalmatian who thinks he has no spots!

We know better. We know that we need continual daily repentance through the goodness of God (Romans 2:4).

A way to help ourselves and other brethren as well is to type up our Feast notes and mail them to somebody who didn't get to attend the Feast and who would enjoy reading our notes. While typing these, we will no doubt be amazed at how much we've already forgotten of special steps we really wanted to put into action. This gives us another opportunity to set up the needed action plans!

Pray More Often and Earnestly

Leap into prayer action! Nothing could be more vital in pointing everything we think, say and do toward the Kingdom of God.

Remember how Jesus Christ in His model prayer taught His disciples and us that after we hallow God's name, the next priority is to pray: "Your kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10). A little organizing and prioritizing will make our prayers more effective and fervent.

With God's help we will:

• Keep ever in mind our vision and mission, which are not only possible but sure!

• Repent of wrinkles and spots—we can be ready for the greatest wedding ever.

• Hasten the Kingdom with our prayers.

Everything God does points to the Kingdom of God. Let's think about how we can make everything we think, say and do point there also. UN

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