United Church of God

Refining Our Character

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Refining Our Character

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The analogy of the refining of silver and gold illustrates this. During the refining process the heat of the furnace is critical. If it is too severe, the silver or gold will be vaporized and lost. If it is not hot enough, some of the lead will remain and the metal will be impure. During the refining process the smith watches the temperature closely, making sure that it stays exactly right.

In the same way the severity of our trials is important to God. He wants us to be pure but never to be lost. God promises He will not test us beyond what we are able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

As the silver or gold nears the final stage of refining it experiences a reaction known as brightening. When the last of the impurities are consumed, the now pure molten metal emits a bright flash of light and solidifies. Similarly, as Christians, we all eagerly look forward to the brightening of God's chosen people.

(This is excerpted from United News—Australia, October-December 2002, page 17—download the PDF at www.ucg.org.au/content/una.asp. The author, Russell Barnett, attends the Brisbane, Australia, congregation and is completing the final year of a Ph.D. in aluminum casting.)

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