United Church of God

The Other Prayer List: from Treasure Digest

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The Other Prayer List

from Treasure Digest

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So much to pray about. From the coming of God's Kingdom to a better job—the list goes on and on! Who can remember it all? That's why so many of us keep our own personal prayer list. As God answers one request, we thank Him, cross it off our list and move on to the next. But as time passes, we can forget His perfect answers to those prayers.

This is where that other prayer list—the answered prayer list—comes in. When we put it to use, it has several benefits:

First, it reminds us of the many times God not only answered, but greatly exceeded, our requests (Ephesians 3:20)! This can be a reminder to also add to our list totally unrequested interventions—His blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; James 1:17). How about that unexpected raise, the friend who "just happened" to call when we needed encouragement, etc.?

And just as we appreciate the heartfelt thanks of others, so does God (Psalm 69:30-31). One good thing leads to another: God accepts our gratitude and grants us true peace. We don't have to worry about the outcome (Philippians 4:6-7)! Indeed, the more we stay focused on Him, the greater is that peace (Isaiah 26:3).

It's often been said that seeing is believing, but as we continue to reflect on God's answers to our prayers, we can also realize that believing is seeing (Mark 11:24). Time after time God reveals His knowledge of our needs (Matthew 6:8). We are continually brought back to the realization that He knows us far better than we know ourselves (Matthew 10:30).

These, then, are just some of the benefits of an answered prayer list. If you haven't already done so, consider beginning your own. As this other prayer list continues to grow, may it help you grow as well.

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