United Church of God

Treasure Digest: God's Answer Isn't Always What We Expect

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Treasure Digest

God's Answer Isn't Always What We Expect

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I was just leaving a wooded area on the outskirts of Houston, Texas. Just before I arrived at a busy intersection, my car died. It was almost dark, and I knew that the area behind me was where someone had discovered a dead body. This was very frightening!

I had my two sons with me. The older was 3 and my younger was 2. Because of cancer, the 2-year-old couldn't walk. The boys were too heavy for me to carry very far, and it was too dangerous for us to be walking on the side of the road anyway. It was dangerous to get out of the car. But it was also dangerous to be beside the road, in the car, especially after dark.

No one would be looking for us when we didn't return. God was our only hope.

I knew that Hebrews 13:5 says God will never forsake us. So I prayed very fervently (James 5:16). I didn't think there was any solution other than for the car to start. The car just had to start because I was afraid of anyone who might stop to help.

I knew that God won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able (1 Corinthians 10:13). So, the only thing left was for the car to start and run. All I knew to do was pray, and ask God to help the car start, and then turn the ignition on the car. But the car just wouldn't start.

In John 16:23 Jesus Christ said, "Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you." I continued to pray and turn the key in the ignition. But the car still wouldn't start!

Finally, a car pulled up behind me and stopped. A man with white hair got out of the car. A sense of peace came over me, and I knew the man wouldn't do us any harm (Philippians 4:7). I don't know if this man was an angel or just a man, but I know God sent him.

The man pushed us through the stoplight and a little ways past. The car started, and so he went on.

I was able to get to the turnoff from the main road and start down an incline, going toward our house, before the car died again, but this time we were in our own neighborhood, and the house was only a couple of blocks away.

A policeman came up behind me and asked, "What's the trouble?" I told him, "I live a couple of blocks from here and the car won't run and I need to get the car into my driveway." So he got back in his car and pushed my car into our driveway.

God's answer wasn't what I expected. But God had brought us home, and it wasn't even dark yet. My sons hadn't even gotten out of the car! God had answered my prayers. God knows what we need more than we do. He knew how to take care of us.

If we are wise, we will always do what we can to avoid problems, and every morning we will ask for God's protection from accidents, injuries, problems, curses and troubles. At the end of the day, we'll give God thanks for His protection and care through the day.

God hears and answers our prayers. It may not be what you expect, but God knows what we need better than we do.

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