United Church of God

United News: March - April 2006

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In This Issue

  • by John Fox
Nearly 30 years ago, I experienced one of my life's outstanding answers to prayer.
  • by Debra Doss
Do we often wonder, "Why am I here?" In the face of a trial, do we ask God, "Why is this happening to me?"
  • by Janet Treadway
Many of us are concerned about what we put into our bodies to preserve our health. Some of us are also careful to guard our minds by examining the things we read, watch or listen to so we can protect our mental health. But have we considered the effect of the people we associate with?
  • by Gary Antion
"The family that prays together, stays together" is an adage that has long been echoed about families who are successful. I'd like to do a slight variation and say, "The family that eats together, meets together."
  • by Manfred Fraund
Are you also yearning to breathe free? Are your sights set on the goal—even beyond this life?
  • by Karen Meeker
Mothers in the Bible are a varied lot. Some are powerless, some crafty, some faithful and some ambitious.
  • by Joseph Sheperd
As we approach God's Passover each year, it is beneficial to review Israel's first Passover, where we see very meaningful lessons for us.
  • by Harris Hlazo
Christ—the Creator of the entire universe and the Maker who gave us life—was willing to suffer a horrible death at the hands of His human creatures for us. Not understanding the true value of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is equal to placing less value on the price He paid for each one of us.
  • by Jim Smith
Satan is the master at blinding people. But we need sharp spiritual senses to avoid sin and think more like Jesus Christ.
  • by John Fox
All of us have been hurt in life. We each have been torpedoed or our ship has sunk beneath us. And if we are honest, all of us have hurt others at some time in life, accidentally or even maliciously.
  • by Vern Kardell
A look at what it means to take the Passover unworthily and to profane the body and blood of the Lord.
by Daniel Macaraeg
  • by Kevin Epps
Some have wondered whether there should only be three Holy Day offerings a year based on Deuteronomy 16:16. What does the Bible say, and how does the Church apply this teaching?