United Church of God

United News: May - June 2018

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In This Issue

by United News
  • by Scott Ashley
We are to transform our lives so that we become like our Master and Rabbi, Jesus Christ. We are not just to learn from Him; we are to become like Him in every way.
by Jorge de Campos
by Lorelei Nettles
  • by Peter Eddington
As we have Jesus Christ living in us through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being filled with the peace of God—a fruit of the Holy Spirit. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His subsequent resurrection makes this all possible for us. And we can rejoice in that.
by Cody Martin
by Carmella Weis
by Paul Moody
by Josh Raudenbush
by Andrea Bailey
by Mitchell Moss
by Victor Kubik
by Michelle Cook
  • by Kathy Sanny
Start preparing now for next year’s self-examination and ask God daily for help.
  • by Tina Cason
…but just when I feel like I can’t breathe, I take time to sing!
by Victor Kubik