United Church of God

United News: November 2011

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In This Issue

  • by Nicholas Bizic
Finding it difficult to re-adjust to everyday life after the glory of the Feast? You're not alone. Many of God's people go into a "spiritual slump" after the Feast. The answer is easy: Stay in a Feast mindset all year long! Here are some practical, Do-It-Yourself tips for shaking the post-Feast blues.
by John Katlik
by Amanda Miller
by Amanda Miller
by Fred Nance
by Eileen Sharkey
  • by Robert H Berendt
When Moses struck the rock in the wilderness instead of speaking to it, God punished him by not allowing him to enter the Promised Land.
by Karl Vulchev
by Mitchell Moss
by Clark Earls, Holly Earls
by Stephen Arner