United Church of God

United News: November - December 2023

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In This Issue

  • by David Fenney
Clothing keeps us warm, protecting and shielding us. It also speaks volumes about us as individuals. There is, however, a particular item of apparel that God wants to see a Christian wearing.
  • by Robert Curry
All of us face temptation and know the terrible sinking feeling of giving in to it. The Bible tells us not only how to resist temptation but also how to overcome it. “I can resist anything except temptation”—Oscar Wilde, an Irish playwright. His solution to get rid of temptation? “Give in to it!” How can we conquer temptation? It’s too important to settle for a Wilde guess!
  • by Martin Braun
When we enroll in God's benefits plan, we receive a package of wonderful blessings better than any employer in this life can offer!
  • by Charles Melear
This year's tour of Israel took place during the Feast of Tabernacles and brought 178 people together to view these sites from Bible history.