United Church of God

Passion for God's Way of Life

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Passion for God's Way of Life

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As young people we eventually come to a point in our lives when we ask the question, "What am I going to do with the rest of my life?" It seems that after you ask yourself this question once, you can't stop asking it; it's always on your mind.

My dad always told me to find my passion, what I really loved doing, and make it my life. I always thought this would come in the form of a large salary or a good career. However, I've come to see that one's passion doesn't have to be a job, and happiness doesn't always come from a 40-hour workweek.

As Christians, our passion in life should be living God's way. We have been given the awesome opportunity to be the children of God in His family. What else could be more exciting, inspiring and worth devoting our lives to? Having a passion for this gift we have been given can show our appreciation and devotion to our Giver.

What is passion? According to the dictionary, passion is "intense emotion, compelling action." Passion is basically something that causes us to feel so strongly that we have to act upon it. Learning of God's way of life and His awesome plan for mankind should cause an intense emotion in us and compel us to action. God requires action (James 1:22).

We can't just have the knowledge and not do anything with it. However, more important than the action itself is the attitude behind it. Merely living God's way just because we have to isn't pleasing to God. He wants us to live joyfully. God, unlike man, looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). He wants us to obey Him because we want to—because we love Him. Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord." Our obedience to God and His commands should be something we do with our whole hearts, something we do with passion.

Doing what is right, obeying God's commands, and standing up for our beliefs is not always easy. In fact, it can be really hard sometimes! In the movie A League of Their Own, actor Tom Hanks says, "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great." That is true for us also.

It's supposed to be hard

We all have to go through some hard times. Trials and times of struggle are a part of everyday human life. God says He will allow us to go through these trials and tribulations, but He will never give us more than we can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God also gives us a special armor as a defense against the challenges in life (Ephesians 6:11-18, New International Version). We are to put on the belt of truth and wear the breastplate of righteousness. Our feet are to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. We are also expected to take the shield of faith, wear the helmet of salvation and carry the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This armor shows us two things.

First, God gives us armor for a reason. We are supposed to battle at times, while wearing this spiritual armor He has given us. If life were supposed to be a smooth and easy ride, we wouldn't need armor. We need it to battle against Satan and the evils of this world.

Second, even though God gives us all of these pieces of protection, there is still one part of the body that is less protected—the back. We have to face our problems head-on, using the defense that God has given us. If we run away from our problems, we are left vulnerable.

If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it

Only a few are responding to God's calling at this time. Because this way of life can be hard, not everyone is doing it. Right now God is working with a chosen few, the firstfruits, who are living this harder way of life (James 1:18).

The truth about the plan of God is a mystery to many people. Without the truth of this plan being revealed, they may look at this lifestyle and say it is too hard and therefore not worthwhile. We have been shown the truth of this mystery (Ephesians 1:9). This is why we should gratefully accept the Christian lifestyle and live it with passion each and every day.

The hard… is what makes it great

It may not seem like the good life when we are going through hard times, but someday life will be great as part of God's spiritual family! So why does it have to be hard now? We are being prepared for that great future. God allows us to go through tests and trials to build character in us. He is building His character in us as evidenced by the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). This fruit includes the characteristics of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

By allowing us to occasionally go through hard times, God is molding and shaping us to be more like His Son. He is building character in us so that we can speak from experience and be better teachers when this way of life is offered to the whole world.

In the future the knowledge of God's plan won't be as hard for people to understand. Satan will be bound and the truth of God will be fully given to all mankind. Everyone who has ever lived will be given the opportunity to know the truth, the mystery will be revealed to them, and they too will have a chance to live this way of life.

Knowing this amazing plan and having our opportunity to partake of this truth now instead of later should cause intense emotions in us—emotions of joy, peace and gratitude. These intense emotions should compel us to action—living God's way of life with passion and a higher level of appreciation than ever before.

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