United Church of God

Letter From William Bradford - July 5, 2024

Letter From William Bradford

July 5, 2024

Don't Ignore the Maintenance Alerts in Our Relationships!

Maintaining our homes, cars, and valuable possessions is an essential part of daily life. Neglecting or delaying upkeep often results in costly repairs. I've had my share of experiences ignoring maintenance alerts on my car, air conditioning, or appliances, thinking I could put them off until a more convenient time.

Once, a maintenance light on my car suddenly illuminated. I planned to address it the following week, but as the car seemed fine, I postponed it again. This cycle repeated until, during a crucial trip, the warning turned into a full-blown engine failure on a busy highway, adding stress, significant expenses, and the possibility of missing an important occasion. In hindsight, I realized the importance of timely maintenance, which could have prevented much of the inconvenience and cost.

Let's consider what maintenance we might be neglecting in our lives beyond just material possessions--our relationships. Maintenance involves keeping things in good condition, and this applies profoundly to our interactions with others. Proverbs 27:23 urges us to be attentive to the state of our "flocks," which can be seen as a metaphor we can extend for our relationships--with spouses, children, colleagues, and friends.

In marriage, for instance, ignoring "maintenance alerts" can lead to strained relationships. Addressing issues promptly and with care ensures maintaining a loving and supportive bond. Similarly, as children grow, subtle signs of needing attention may surface, especially during their formative years. Taking the time for quality moments together allows for open communication and reinforces their sense of security and love.

Other relationships, whether within our communities, workplaces, or social circles, also require upkeep. Small gestures like kind notes, encouraging words, or thoughtful gestures act as maintenance that nurtures positive connections.

Just as delaying car maintenance led to costly repairs, neglecting our relationships can lead to emotional strain and distance. Let's all take a moment to assess our important relationships. If there are warning signs, let's not delay in providing the care needed to keep them flourishing.

Have a spiritual Sabbath remembering to praise God for all his mercy and kindness towards us. Let's continue to move forward in faith knowing our citizenship is in heaven.

W.M. Bradford - Beloit, Chicago and NWI