United Church of God

Letter From Lewis VanAusdle - August 16, 2024

Letter From Lewis VanAusdle

August 16, 2024

Letter to the Congregations: 17th August 2024

Our Dear Brethren,

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25).

Part of stirring up love and good works in each other is assembling ourselves together. We often think of this "assembling" as gathering together on the Sabbath and Holy Days, which is true, but is not limited to only holy time. Do we get together with one another outside of Sabbath services. Additionally, do we make excuses for not gathering together during holy time?

When we think of excuses, we shouldn't include legitimate health struggles that prevent someone from going places in general. Nor should we include great distances that keep people separated (there are countries where we don't have congregations but do have individuals who can't often gather with brethren). There are many people, unfortunately, who are in situations that physically keep them from coming to services. But their situations are the exceptions. For those of us who are physically capable of gathering with one another should do so.

Coming together helps us give honor to our God. It helps us find opportunities to serve both in and out of holy time. It also helps us build relationships with one another. How else are we supposed to stir each other up to love if we aren't demonstrating that love towards one another? How are we supposed to see the opportunities to serve unless we are seeing what the needs are? How are we going to step up to fill the needs we see if we are making excuses for coming together? How do we know if someone is in need of fellowship with us and encouragement from us if we aren't around to be the encouragers?

Brethren, let's remember that our God has called us together, not to be served but to serve. Let's remember what good we can do when we gather with brethren of like mind and purpose in life. Let's continue to be God's people and encourage one another to seek a relationship with our Creator. Let's continue to show up so we can show the love that we've been shown by our God.

Our love is with you,

Lewis VanAusdle

Pastor, United Church of God

NYC, NJ, CT, Malawi, Zimbabwe