United Church of God

Bible Study, What Restrains the Man of Sin

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Bible Study, What Restrains the Man of Sin

MP3 Audio (33.18 MB)


Bible Study, What Restrains the Man of Sin

MP3 Audio (33.18 MB)

With all the evil we see all around us at this time, many wonder if we are nearing the time of the revealing of the man of sin. And people wonder who Paul is speaking of in II Thes. 2:7 where he speaks of "He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way." In this Bible Study Mr. Smith begins his explanation of this verse by showing us that "he" is not the proper translation. The Greek is neuter, therefore the verse is saying "what now restrains." Few Bibles translate this verse correctly, the New Testament in Modern English by J.B.Phillips translates this as "a restraining power which would operate until the time should come for the emergence of this man [of sin]." With this understanding Mr. Smith then uses the principle of "letting the Bible interpret the Bible" to show us from Prov. 29:18 NKJV that what has been holding things back but is now being taken out of the way is God's law.

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