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MP3 Audio (13.96 MB)

Submitting is a topic that some don't like to discuss. Mr. Mills covers how submission is a biblical principle and teaches how we can joyfully apply it in our daily lives.

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  • Ivan Veller
    Hello again, Marcus: "We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work" (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, ESV 2011).
  • Ivan Veller
    Hello Marcus, "the Church, as the body of Christ, has an obligation and responsibility to help Christians grow spiritually, which requires working together under the guidance of called and faithful ministers. God admonishes us to strive for unity and recognize the need we have for each other (1 Corinthians 12:12-25; Ephesians 4:1-3)" ("We're Baptized Into a Spiritual Body"): http://www.ucg.org/booklet/road-eternal-life/staying-course/were-baptized-spiritual-body/
  • KARS
  • Marcus5221
    The concept of submission is both a significantly valuable one as well as a concept oftentimes used a a club to put others in their place. I would agree with Mr. Mills overall all point of the subject, but would temper it with the reality of the history of this church culture under Worldwide, UCG and UCG_Light. The latter use of submission has been present within church culture, largely by the ministry, and should teach all of us that we who have the spirit of God, should use discernment whether something is good or not. We know that Satan has used pride, vanity, power hunger, within men to attempt to destroy from within these organizations. Helps to always remind ourselves that they are just organizations, and that God's true Church and his true Followers stand apart from blind allegiance.
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