United Church of God

Prepare Your Heart

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Prepare Your Heart

MP3 Audio (14.78 MB)


Prepare Your Heart

MP3 Audio (14.78 MB)

Mr. Shabi discusses the kings of the Old Testament as he illustrates the need to prepare our hearts for Christ's return.

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  • KARS
    Aaron here for our brethren they are mailed to us on DVD's with video sermons. We just watched a sermon from Mr. Myer's telling the teens and adults to throw out the trash going into our minds. Replacing it with Bible knowledge.
  • Aaron Booth
    Hello Ross, We still post video sermons to ucg.org - but we also post just MP3 sermons. The video sermons are posted on either Thursdays or Fridays and the MP3 only sermons (we have no video for them) are posted throughout the week. Go to ucg.org/sermons to view all the sermons posted. If you see "Transcript Included" - this is a good indication that there is a video for that sermon. Hope this helps. Aaron Booth UCG.org Internet Manager
  • Sptrss
    It is a great pity that we are now only receiving MP3 audio sermons There are a number of small church areas/groups whe meet on the sabbath and watch the latest sermon when a live minister is not available Although we have sermon broadcasts, we do not always watch them so that a live speaker can visit our area - we also have limited local speakers so that we can build up the congregation A group of 5-20 people does not want to sit staring at each other when there is no video with an MP3 sermon Our group also has 2 people who are hard of hearing - we used the text to help them get the most out of the sermon Hope this helps those who are missing the old policy, Ross Smith Canberra Australia
  • KARS
    Thank you for providing these sermons on mp3 format. They are very helpful while I multi-task. Instead of listening to the radio I can listen to the sermons given by the ministry. This one was very helpful and true. Thank you, KARS
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