United Church of God

Appreciating Volunteers: Tomorrow and GN TV Volunteers Appreciated!

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Appreciating Volunteers

Tomorrow and GN TV Volunteers Appreciated!

Much appreciation and thanks is due the brethren who produced the Tomorrow television (Portland, Oregon) and Good News television (Beloit, Wisconsin) cable-access programs. Since the inception of United, eager brethren spent many hours diligently producing video content over many years. The Media and Communications Services department felt this work was an important part of our overall media mix.

The brethren contributed to a very fine effort that improved with each taping session. We thank them for the generous support, both financial and physical, given to help further the mission of the Church.

With our new media center at the home office now operational, it has been helpful to draw upon the experience gained with Good News Television and Tomorrow Television programming. The presenters and guests are now more prepared to contribute their talents in an even greater way, and the experience gained by everyone involved in the process has been invaluable.

Crew members participated in taping hundreds of hour and half-hour programs on weeknights and Sundays. Without their faithful and diligent efforts, these accomplishments would not have been possible!

Over the past 10 years, we saw the programs mature and improve. They went from airing on a handful of public-access stations, to airing coast-to-coast on more than 100 stations. Telephone calls from viewers resulted in thousands of pieces of literature being ordered and sent out as a result of both TV programs.

The goal from the beginning of the TV programs was to contribute to the effort of the Church in preaching the gospel about the soon-coming Kingdom of God, via public-access television. Volunteers: Thank you very much for your involvement!