United Church of God

ABC to Launch Eighth Year With Largest Class

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ABC to Launch Eighth Year With Largest Class


The Ambassador Bible Center begins its eighth year with orientation on Jan. 7, 2007. The class will have 62 students—the largest class we have ever had at ABC! We decided to cap the class this year and in the future at around 60 students since this is the capacity for our facilities at the home office in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area.

We have several additional applicants on our "wait list" this year. These accepted applicants will fill any open spots as the year begins or be deferred to next year.

The class of 2007 consists of 22 men and 40 women (two wives will be attending with their husbands), ranging in age from 18 to 67, from Canada, Sweden, Germany and the United States.

After several meetings with the ABC Administrative Team, we have now established long-range, mid-range and short-range outcomes for ABC. We are now in the process of developing a plan to implement those outcomes. The ABC Administrative Team consists of Clyde Kilough, Jim Franks, David Register, Gary Antion, David Johnson and Ralph Levy.

ABC will begin to focus on a more holistic approach for the ABC experience. We will focus on character development and leadership, not just biblical education. In addition to our regular classes, we will have more Friday evening Bible studies and more personal faculty contact with each of the students by assigning faculty advisers. There will be more opportunities to interact with the ministry and faculty.

We have added two classes—a speech class with labs and a class on basic Christian principles, including proofs of God's existence and proofs of the Bible as God's Word. We have reduced the hours of the Comparative Religion class and will fill the time between modules to make time for the new classes. These changes will help us achieve our outcomes.

We will also add some additional measurement tools, like tests and surveys, to develop benchmarks for measuring effectiveness. We need to know that what we are teaching in ABC is effective and helps us achieve the outcomes for our students.

Long-term we envision ABC as an integral part of educating our youth in godly character, knowledge and understanding, as well as developing leaders for the future.