United Church of God

Beyond Today: A Snapshot

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Beyond Today

A Snapshot


Nov. 8 and 9 saw three guests in the Beyond Today studio recording a wide range of programs for the upcoming weeks. John Cafourek, Bob Fahey and Jim Franks were led by host Gary Petty. On the heels of a lively October production meeting, energy was high in the facility.

Subjects covered in the November tapings included:

• Conquering Addictions.

• The Dark Cloud of Depression.

• What's Missing in Xmas?

• Making Life Work.

We've continued to have some very interesting feedback on our recent "Halloween: Treat or Trick?" program, particularly by viewers with questions about the soul, heaven and hell. It is encouraging to bring our viewers the truth of the gospel.

In addition, we had our best week for telephone responses so far during the first week of November. Our programs on "The Four Horsemen of Revelation" and "The Coming King of the South" elicited a very favorable response during this period. Once again, prophecy seems to be fascinating to many people!

On Dec. 6 and 7, Darris McNeely will host guests Melvin Rhodes, Don Henson, Dave Myers and Pam Myers in an exciting array of topics as follows:

• Islam and Christianity: Can They Get Along?

• The Immortal Soul Myth.

• The Easter Charade.

• Walking With God: Prayer.

Please pray for the continued success of our video effort and that these contacts will bear fruit. Responses continue to increase overall, and the program is making some excellent headway!

You can view all programs online at www.beyondtoday.tv as well as on many U.S. community-access cable television stations weekly. Beyond Today also airs nationwide across Canada on the Vision and Christian cable channels. UN